Saturday, August 31, 2019
Communication Barrier Essay
Introduction Effective communication is an important facet and skills are essential in all spheres oflife. Communication is effective when the stimulus as initiated and intended by the sender, or source, corresponds closely to the stimulus as it is perceived and responded to by the receiver†(Tubbs and Moss, 2006), state . In nursing, every day we have to face to face with patient, we communicate with different people and different patients, so we must endeavour to give effective communication and also an important to counsel them from the usage of words, speed delivery of words, pitch modulation and body language. Effective communication is an essential component for organisation success, whether it is the interpersonal intra group organisation or external levels. Effective communication wills an increases patients and health outcomes of authority (Barlett, Grayson et al. , 1984), Reduces the risk of complaint and litigation of authority (Beckmam, 1994). Communication barrier is when person sends and receives messages that are distorted by noise , ccur within context,have some effect,and providesome opportunity for feedback. (Joseph Devito (2009). Communication is a conversional process of sending message. Communication is important in our life,personal relationship and anywhere. Identifying the barrier to communication is the first step to improving effective communication. if it is unable to communicate his deep are certain obstacles, try to use body languages to convey an effective communication. Discuss in the appropriate place. There are many ways to makesure memorable communication. Communication barrier is what makes communication complexs,difficult,frustrated are the barriers we put in the way. When we talk, we tend to erect barriers that hinder our ability to communicate. There are five of these types of barriers to effective communication. Physical barriers are easy to spot – doors that are closed, walls that are erected, and distance between people all work against the goal of effective communication. Physical communication takes place such as in office, ward, hospital, cafeteria and a public place. Second communication barrier is emotional barrier can be tough to overcome. By believing in yourself and what you have to say, you will be able to communicate clearly without becoming overly involved in your emotions. In the third barriers are cultural, different cultures, whether they be a societal culture of a race and religions which can hinder developed communication if different cultures clash. In these are common cases, in work situations, identifying a problem and coming up with a highly efficient way to solve it can quickly topple any cultural or institutional barriers. Another barriers are Interpersonal barriers, which what ultimately keep us from reaching out to each other, and opening ourselves up, not just to be heard, but also to hear others, this can be the most difficult area to change. They are unable to form genuine connections with people because they have too many false perceptions blocking the way. Luckily, the cure for this is more communication. By engaging with others, we learn what our actual strengths and weaknesses are. This allows us to put forth our ideas in a clear, straightforward manner. And the last barriers are gender have become less of an issue in recent years, but there is still the possibility for a man to misconstrue the words of a woman. Different gender had tended to form thoughts differently and this must be taken into barrier of both genders when communicating. (Christopher Smith II, 2010). Way of Overcoming these barrier When you send a messages,you intend to communicate meaning,but the message itself doesn’t contain meaning. The meaning exists in your mind and in the mind of your receiver. To understand one another,you and your receiver must share similar meanings for words,gestures, tone of voice and other symbols.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Chinese Food Essay
China is a country which has a long history and tradition dealing with food, especially eating habit. There are lots of rules or customs about how to eat in a polite way. First of all, the way you eat can sort of show your social. The funniest habit is that Chinese people share food; this means that all the dishes are placed on the table and everybody can eat whatever they want. Moreover, Chinese dining customs are built on tradition; they are not casual. People should talk less while eating when it is an official situation or the atmosphere is really serious because when you have food in your mouth and you want to talk, there is high possibility that the food is splashed from your mouth, then it would be really rude and impolite to others. In addition, Chinese people never place those chopsticks vertically in rice even they are eating at home because Chinese people incense dead person by inserting two sticks of incenses upright into sand or rice. Therefore, it looks like people who place those chopsticks like that are wishing death upon other people at the table. What people should do is place those chopsticks on the dish or rest them on the chopstick stand. At the same time, any kinds of sounds are not allowed either. People should eat quietly and slowly in order to show politeness and respect, this means people shouldn’t tap on the bowl with chopsticks or spoons. Following these eating habits can help people feel comfortable and relaxed when they are eating with others.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Business Ethics and Sustainability Employee
In the present contemporary professional world it is estimated that an employee spend more than 75% of their time in building interpersonal relations in workplaces, so it can be understood why most of the organizational problems have the root in poor munication skills. The need for employees with effective munication skills is growing in business world simply because it is necessary for building rapport both at the interpersonal and organizational levels. An individual success in professional world truly based on one’s ability to municate well. munication is an important process as it allows us to share our interest and take important decisions in our personal as well as in professional career. The purpose of this essay is to engage in reflective practice, using 5 diagnostic munication tools and their feedback, so that I can identify two key areas of personal capability which can be improved to increase my munication effectiveness. Lastly, I have sketched a six month action wi th timeline and success measure included. Every individual has different munication style and most of the time the person is unaware about the strength and weakness in his munication style. According to famous business expert and author Mark Murphy, there are four basic munication style and they are Analytical, Intuitive, Functional and Personal. The tools that I have used in this study to access my munication style are Johari Window, munications Style Questionnaire, Assertiveness Questionnaires, Interpersonal munication Skill Test and Listening Skills Test. The basic purpose of Johari window tool is for self-awareness and personal development for improve understanding between individuals (Saxena, 2015). In Johari Window, it was found according to the test that it is evident that I am aware that I have a bold and energetic personality and adaptive in situations. Also, I am logical and spontaneous. But I also get self conscious at times. Whereas according to my friends, I am a friendly and approachable person who they can trust and can depend upon but get nervous and tensed when I am in pressure. This tool has helped me to recognize what my view about self and what is the social image I have in friends and acquaintances (Lowy & Hood 2011). Undergoing the test has resulted in better understanding in self awareness. The munication Style Self Assessment test was conducted to strengthen my munication skills and develop my ability to connect with different people with different munication style. According to the test result, I have a balanced score in munication Style Self Assessment. That means I have no problem in expressing myself most of the time but according to situational needs I tend to obviously and honestly convey my needs, requirements and opinions in a way which is thoughtful of others. The Assertive Test results shows that I am a typical self-assured individual, who reasonably let other individual, know my disagreement with them, especially when I feel I am being poorly treated. This trait shows that I have self respect and want others to treat me in that way. As we live in an environment where most of the times people have different munication style and poor munication leads to misunderstanding and chaos. So, the munication diagnostic tools assisted in swift understanding these differences and grow simple strategies to b e an effective and efficient municator. These self assessments will facilitate to understand what really is going on when we experience mi munication at personal as well as professional life. In this test, I found that I have a clear voice when putting an opinion and people mostly get what I try to convey. I have also empathy towards others which helps others in trusting me. But according to this test I have to improve my listening skills. This will help me to b e more efficient in my munication skills. By this way when I am outlining the impact of their behaviour on others, I am giving them the probability to reflect on their actions and judge on what needs to be improved. This process also facilitates to avoid makin g assumptions which can create confusion and chaos and harm interpersonal relations in workplace (Griffin, 2013). Last by not the list, I took the Listening skills test. According to the result of this test, I found that I do moderately in the listening part. It is a well known fact that in effective munication listening is a significant part as it reduces mi munication, better interaction between the speaker and the receiver, better interpretation of the message and greater productivity with lesser mistakes (Boud, 2013). This test identified that I have patience but sometimes when the situation b es tense, I tend to lose control and b e impatient which is a huge drawback in effective munication. An active listener is always able to municate well with others. According to the above munication diagnostic tool’s analysis, it is evident that I am a Assertive municator. An assertive municator has generally high self esteem and values their time and self (Bishop, 2013). They also strongly promoter for their rights and requirements without disrespectful towards others or other’s rights. I work as a mechanical engineer in a two wheeler automobile organization. Lately in the past one year, I had two professional interactions and drawing reference from there I have identified some of the shor ings in my munication style. Recently, I had an interaction with my superior regarding work progress and promotion. Also, I had an appointment with the distributors regarding market trends, client feedbacks and what aspects we need to improve in our two wheeler automobile so that we can meet customer expectations. Though most of my attributes in munication style indicates towards being an Assertive municator, I have identified that I need to imp rove and develop my listening skills as well as I should also improve my skills to accept difference in point of view and perceptions. Although I am a good municator with persuading skills, I need to improve my persuasive skills because it is one of the basic qualities that successful all leaders and business person have in mon (Nahavandi, 2016). The word munication can be simply explained as the exchange of beliefs and ideas with the objective to convey information with one another. It is a two way process with the basic objective to exchange and convey an individual’s ideas, beliefs, feelings, opinions and necessities with transparency to arrive at a harmony or a mutually acceptable result. In the present professional environment, effective munication skills are assets of an individual (Ting-Toomey, 2012). It is basically an ability which is mainly b e skilled with experience, but when an individual learns to apply, an effective munication can build long term relationships in professional carrier regardless of defensive adversities. Being an effective municator will support me to b e resourceful while taking initiatives and making important decisions in professional career (Griffin, 2013). Also it will facilitate an individual to participate in team work and engage in effective workplace munication. There are various conceptual munication models which mainly explain the human munication process. One of the basic munication models is Continuous Loop Model, which was developed by assuming that munication is a system or machine (Neuliep, 2014). In this process or system, munication acts as the gear so that the system runs properly. Keeping in mind the Continuous loop model, it is necessary that the two ways process of munication has a swift flow of information so that the basic initiative of information sharing b es fulfilled (Spitzberg, & Cupach, 2012). This process is theoretically correct but in practical when the sender stops sending signals, the process ends. Taking reference from the Continuous model, increasing my listening skill will not only improve my munication skills but also will assists in continuous flow of information in the conversation. An active listener has the ability to understand situation and information better and thus capable of giving more accurate feedback or suggestions Booth, 2009). To explain the concept better we will take assistance of the situation- behaviour- impact feedback tool. For instance in my meeting with distributors, we had a discussion on customer’s demand, market trends and how we can improve the braking system in the two wheeler to meet the customer expectation. I had to give feedback about the meeting to my senior and co-workers. If I had said that customer has a liking for our new two wheeler models showing positive results in sales figure but the brake system needs to be improved. This will only convey the half information about the meeting and details about the improvement needed in the braking system does not convey in the conversation. This clearly creates confusion from the conversation. The conversation does not clearly states what’s need to be improved and what nee ds sustenance. The model was developed by The Centre of Creative Leadership which helped me to deliver more effective feedback. It focuses on the ments on detailed circumstances and behaviours, and then summarizes the impact that these behaviours have on others. The model details the feedback structure like situation, behaviour and impact. When I followed my feedback according to this pattern my senior and co-workers tend to understand what I was trying to convey them. Active listening also improves the ability to learn new things and accept different perspective for better decision making (Bodie, 2012). In the contemporary business organizations have diverse workforce and we will meet diverse co-workers with diverse perspectives. B ing a good listener or active listening skills will facilitate in learning new things and also people will tend to trust and naturally drawn towards me (West & Turner, 2010). Also, b ing active listener I will tend to b e more sensitive towards plex laye rs of cultural differences in workplace. As a result, I will keep in touch with the progression of cultural change at global level. Although my munication diagnostic test results shows that I am a good persuader but I believe in contemporary professional world, every individual needs to improve their perusing skills as it is needed in every sphere of professional world. Persuasion is the skill that influences others to agree on a mon idea or goal (Shockley-Zalabak, 2011). Without persuasion skill, I will not be able to get the resources I want or I will not be able to municate my unique ideas and abilities with others. Persuasive skill is also an important ability in negotiations which is very important for job aspirants and also for professionals (Armstrong, 2011).On the other hand with the right approach and persuading skill an individual can achieve amazing results and climb corporate as well as social ladder. The contemporary organizations prises of diverse workforce from diverse cultural and socio-economic background (Spencer-Oatey, & Franklin, 2009). So, it is natural that they will e with diverse perspecti ves and viewpoints. Thus, managing those diverse workforces to bring expected ou e from them is one of the major challenges of resent business leaders. As a result, organizations look for potential candidates with effective munication skills, persuasive power and good negotiator (Hargie, 2010). The basic task is to persuade the diverse workforce to work towards a mon goal or idea for organisational success. In the above essay we have discussed about my munication style and the basic skills that I need to develop to improve my munication skill with reference of the Action plan rubric for effective munication in the appendix. Effective munication skill is one of the basic sets of abilities which are required to succeed in personal as well as professional life. It is a well known fact that many jobs in cotemporary market needs candidates with strong munication skills and candidates with good munication skills are preferred. Effective munication skills can be achieved with experience and regular practicing to improve techniques. Choosing right approach, books, websites and training will facilitate in learning of plicated concepts of effective munication. That is why I have sketched a six month action plan that I that I have followed to improve my munication skills. According to five different munication diagnostic tool’s test result I possess a assertive munication style, the onl y skills I lack are active listening and maintaining patience in munication process. I have focused on parts like listening, eye contact, smile, humility, gestures, and voice modulation. I have taken part in various debates and public speaking programs in college and university level to improve my public speaking. For resources, I have used different online video sources from YouTube and read online articles on munication skills. I have also visited library to gather information about verbal munication skills from different scholarly articles. To b e an active listener I have developed the strong signs of attentiveness and also learned the art of questing and remembering. I created a plan to improve my influencing skills by developing varies of skills like emotional intelligence and persuasion power. I also tracked my potential benefits by keeping notes on daily basis about occasions where different aspects of my development plan b e successful or not. Keeping tack on the areas I needed improvement b e very useful because it pin pointed the problem areas. I had also tried to persuade different co-workers at professional levels to work on a project. The basic intend was to increase understanding by taking into account how my messages might be received by my co-workers. Working in a multi cultural business organization, I have experienced how mi munication can build organizational conflict. So, improving my munication skill will also facilitate in building conflict resolution skills. Active listening and good municator are two important aspects that a manager should possess to have effective conflict resolution skill. Also, having empathy towards others and accepting different perspective will facilitate in my professional growth. At the end of this assignment I learned the importance of effective munication skills in b ing successful and maintain a positive attitude with a smile. Armstrong, M. (2011). How to be an Even Better Manager: a plete AZ of proven techniques and essential skills. Kogan Page Publishers. Bishop, S. (2013). Develop your assertiveness (Vol. 10). Kogan Page Publishers. Bodie, G. D. (2012). Listening as positive munication. The positive side of interpersonal munication, 109-125. Booth, W. C. (2009). The rhetoric of rhetoric: The quest for effective munication. John Wiley & Sons. Boud, D. (2013). Enhancing learning through self-assessment. Routledge. Griffin, R. W. (2013). Fundamentals of management. Cengage Learning. Hargie, O. (2010). Skilled interpersonal munication: Research, theory and practice. Routledge. Lowy, A., & Hood, P. (2011). The power of the 2 x 2 matrix: Using 2 x 2 thinking to solve business problems and make better decisions. John Wiley & Sons. Nahavandi, A. (2016). The Art and Science of Leadership -Global Edition. Pearson. Neuliep, J. W. (2014). Intercultural munication: A contextual approach. Sage Publications. Saxena, P. (2015). JOHARI WINDOW: An Effective Model for Improving Interpersonal munication and Managerial Effectiveness. SIT Journal of Management, 5(2), 134-146. Shockley-Zalabak, P. (2011). Fundamentals of organizational munication. Allyn & Bacon. Spencer-Oatey, H., & Franklin, P. (2009). Intercultural interaction: A multidisciplinary approach to intercultural munication. Springer. Spitzberg, B., & Cupach, W. (2012). Handbook of interpersonal petence research. Springer Science & Business Media. Ting-Toomey, S. (2012). municating across cultures. Guilford Press. West, R., & Turner, L. H. (2010). Understanding interpersonal munication: Making choices in changing times. Cengage Learning.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Policy brief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Policy brief - Essay Example There is an acute shortage of nursing faculty across all the states in the US as Fox (2013) reports "Shortage of professors is curbing the capacity of nursing schools to crank out graduates with advanced degrees†. More baccalaureate degree-holder nurses are required from the view point of achieving higher enrollees for doctoral programs as well. IOM say that almost half the nursing workforce is likely to retire in couple of years. The proportion of ageing population over age 65 is steadily going up creating further strain on quality care. Reforms in healthcare system will bring millions of people under healthcare system requiring more nurses to provide needed healthcare in hospitals. It is important to note that the US Army, Air force, and Navy need nurses with baccalaureate degree. Even the Veterans Health Administration too needs nurses with a baccalaureate degree for further advancement in the job. According to Lavis et al. (2009), it is important to know whether increasing the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80 percent by 2020 is an important issue for policy makers in the process to enhance healthcare for people. This issue is highly relevant in the sense that baccalaureate degree-holder nurses by 2020 in the US is important for several reasons that include changing demographics where in proportion of aged above 65 is steadily increasing due to rising age at birth in the US and secondly the goal is to enhance quality care for its citizens. Baccalaureate degree nurses (BSN) play an important role in preventive care. Being trained in public community health and management the BSN nurses are more suited for several functions that include manager, patient educator, public health, discharge coordinator. Obama administration lays a special emphasis on preventive measures and Public Health Departments are provided increased funding support from the administration. The BSN-prepared public health nurses are most suited for
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
How to address the pain points Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
How to address the pain points - Essay Example This therefore means that they never worked in reference to the mission of the Company. This misunderstanding therefore led to the poor performance. Working when as a team raises the team spirit thereby leading to the increase in productivity (Eugene 2000). Another better way of improving the productivity of the team is by the delegation of duties appropriately in the team. The leaders are then appointed from the members. Through this, there will be an improved effective way of communication within the team. Poor communication is a major cause of business failure. it is therefore important to highlight that through roper communication, the team will always be punctual to whichever job they are called upon to do. Communication is a very crucial factor in any business institution; it also enhances readiness for the members. This in the long run is for the better of the Company in regards to productivity (Eugene 2000).. Another important way for the improvement of the company’s productivity is by making arrangements in advance, proper accounting and record keeping. A company that has well kept records makes finds it easier in doing counter checking on the progress of its progress (Eugene 2000). It is therefore important for the IncredibleApps Company to develop better ways of communicating with the employees. Proper planning is too ideal for the company as well as effective supervision of the workers by the
Monday, August 26, 2019
An effective corporate board underpins corporate governance Coursework
An effective corporate board underpins corporate governance. Critically discuss why this is so and what makes a board effectiv - Coursework Example Corporate sectors are therefore required to operate according to the rules and policies of the corporate governance for better growth as well as performance of transparent and responsible business functions. It also facilitates companies to conduct its business operations in accordance with the rules and the regulations prescribed under the companies act. Corporate governance offers specific guidelines on the basis of which policymakers and regulators ascertain that the policies and rules formulated are in compliance with legal provisions. Furthermore, it ensures that companies perform their business operations in an ethical manner (Fernando, 2009). Corporate governance ensures that a company is guiding its business activities in the right direction. In this regard, the BOD of companies are determined to be accountable for formulating appropriate strategies and policies in order to make sure that the company is operating ethically. It also seeks that the structure of the board is app ropriate, executives are properly compensated and shareholders are reported correctly. The principles as well as codes which are undertaken in the policy of corporate governance of companies accumulatively signify that companies are responsible for satisfying the requirements of its shareholders and stakeholders by a large extent (Tricker, 2012). Emphasising on these aspects, the study will intend to critically discuss about the importance of corporate governance in companies. The functions or operations of BOD of companies will also be discussed in order to ascertain that companies are conducting its business operations in an ethical manner. The important policies as well as codes will be further emphasized in this paper, which is the most significant aspect for corporate governance of companies. Due significance will also be rendered towards diversity as a crucial facet in the contemporary corporate governance frameworks. Significance of Corporate Board towards Corporate Governanc e Corporate governance of companies can be identified as largely dependent on the norms and functions of the BOD. The BOD of companies is recognised to be an important element as the participants or rather the board members are responsible for the formulation of policies as well as strategies for improved performance of companies and are also entitled develop or restructure the Articles Of Association (AOA) and Memorandum Of Association (MOA) for the company. These strategies, norms and policies are implemented with the intention of ascertaining that companies perform their business operations in adherence with legal policies, companies act and rules as well as regulations of the government. Business organisations are thus required to conduct its activities in accordance with the policies formulated by the BOD in order to ascertain that the planned business activities are performed ethically (Copnell, 2010; Ayuso & Argandona, 2007). Interest of Shareholders The key role of BOD is to act as a representative of the shareholders.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Mitochandria Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Mitochandria - Dissertation Example Mitochondria are structured in a way that they contain two membranes. The first membrane being the inner membrane contains numerous folds that create a layer known as cristae. The outer membrane, on the other hand, acts as a protective layer that covers the mitochondria. Mitochondria also contain a fluid known as matrix. Inside the matrix are DNA and ribosomes. Ribosomes are protein builders of the cell. Other structures known as granules are also contained in the matrix.The main function of mitochondria is to generate energy for the cell through breaking down nutrients. Through the help of proteins or enzymes found in the matrix, organic molecules are digested. Consequently, oxygen and glucose are released to aid in the production of water and carbon dioxide hence controlling the amount of oxygen. It is also through the mitochondria that the cell can store and control the concentration of calcium ions. It also aids in the transportation of electrons throughout the cell. The processe s of hormonal signaling, as well as the synthesis of steroids, are also made possible through the mitochondria. The endosymbiotic theory explains the presence of mitochondria in cells. According to the theory, mitochondria gained a survival advantage through a symbiotic relationship between bacteria and other cells. With time, the cells lost their cell walls, and the flexible membranes began folding to form membranes. Eventually, the relationship became permanent leading to the formation of mitochondria.
The five marketing orientation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The five marketing orientation - Essay Example The five marketing orientation The production concept is one of the oldest system in the world which in the United States began to proliferate itself after the industrial revolution. The typical production company is dedicated to some form of manufacturing activity. Based on the production concept customer react based on the law of supply and demand in which price is a determining factor of the desire of a customer to acquire an item (Varian, 2003). As lower prices the demand of a product increases, thus the production of the company increases in accordance. The management teams in company following the production concept emphasis on improving the operating efficiency of the firm to lower costs and streamline the operation in all aspects of its supply chain. The supply chain of a company is the network of distributors, transporters, storage facilities, and suppliers that participate in the sale, delivery, and production of a product. The production concept can be applied to service companies. A second strategic marketing orientation is the product concept. The product concept stipulates that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features (Kotler, 2002). A company adds value to its business by make improvement and enhancements to its featured products. An example of this application be can be seen in the company Sony. One of the most popular products of the company is its portable playstation system (PSP).
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The communication of Ants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The communication of Ants - Essay Example Pheromone is a chemical signal that helps in the identification of the location of other ants. For purposes of receiving smell, ants use their mobile, thin and long antennae (Oller, 2008). Their paired antenna is able to provide information regarding the intensity of scents, and their direction. Because majority of these insects live on the ground, they are able to use the surface of the soil, for purposes of leaving a trail of pheromone, so that other ants may follow (Oller, 2008). For instance, when an ant finds a source of food, it will mark a trail of the source back to the colony. Other ants are able to follow this trail, and reinforce it when heading back with the food, to their colony. When the source of the food is exhausted, they will no longer leave a new trail, and the scent will slowly disappear (Oller, 2008). This behavior by ants is able to help it adapt to the various environmental changes that affects it. For example, when the source of food is blocked, an ant will explore new routes, and leave a trail of the new route for other ants to follow. Other ants would explore this route, for purposes of identifying other better
Friday, August 23, 2019
Essay on a case relating to complex pregnancy Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
On a case relating to complex pregnancy - Essay Example Perceived psychosocial stress as well as the overall psychological wellbeing of a woman during pregnancy has been attributed to preterm delivery and intrauterine growth retardation (Dolatian, Mirabzadeh, Forouzan, Sajjadi, Majd et al, 2013). Empirical evidence supports the conclusion that preterm delivery is predicated by lack of social support, which increases the risk for psychosocial stress (Ghosh, Wilhelm, Dunkel-schetter, Lombardi, & Ritz, 2010); from the case study, Kylie is described as a 40 year old G6PO with her 6th IVF pregnancy who presents alone to the birth unit of the local tertiary hospital. The fact that Kylie has had 6 IVF pregnancies and presents alone to the local tertiary hospital suggests that she could be living alone, unmarried or unsupported, and without adequate social support from family or friends. Upon further enquiry, Kylie discloses experiencing anxiety and depression related to her recent separation from her husband of ten years; Kylie is referred to th e Obstetric social worker and psychologist for support since it was evident that her depression and anxiety was related to her lack of social support. Research indicates that preterm delivery is common in women of lower social class, unmarried, or unsupported mothers (Mannem, & Chava, 2011); lack of social support greatly predisposes such women to psychosocial stress. The presence of a spouse and social cycles greatly reduce the risk for psychosocial stress for pregnant women because they are able to share their fears and frustrations thereby alleviating the risk of worry and anxiety that may trigger preterm labor and delivery (Mirabzadeh, Dolatian, Forouzan, Sajjadi, Majd et al, 2013). In that respect, the lack of social support that greatly predisposes Kylie to psychosocial stress is highly predictive of preterm labor and delivery that she
Thursday, August 22, 2019
High school Essay Example for Free
High school Essay I’m one of this people that will take every single opportunity from every chance I take, so I can make the whole journey worth it. Becoming a Global Intern is a one life opportunity that can change your whole life to better. This will allow you to see new directions, new point views, new experiences. It’s a way for you to get to see the world, to explore it, to meet different cultures, which can help you build your own personality and even make you a better person. Since I was in Elementary School I wanted to go to the United States. Finally, in 2012, there I was, realizing my dream. After that, I realized that it wasn’t only the USA that passionate me, it was the feeling of traveling, the feeling of exploring somewhere new, being able to learn new things, to be free, to have more knowledge. And that’s what I want for my life, I want to be able to get to know every single spot on this world, I want to learn new languages, and help those people around the world. I also have this huge desire to go to a college aboard, it’d be something that I could never experience in my own country. One of my dream professions is to become a doctor, because when you help a patient, you are not only helping their life, you’re saving their families happiness. When you’re helping a kid in their last few days to smile, this is an unique feeling, in this way I look up for this beautiful career. However, since I was little I wanted to become an actress, I’m addicted to movies, especially those that bring hope in your life, those that have a message after all. It’s a way I can express myself, I can play a role every day and this makes me learn different subjects. Three years ago, you would give up hope in this world, but there are still people that are trying to make a difference, trying to help it to survive. There were and there are many influent people and I want to become one of them. Becoming a global intern will be my chance to find myself and to do what I love most and I truly hope that it becomes reality because you can only find out what is possible if you never give up.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Food and Money Essay Example for Free
Food and Money Essay Why did Huang Tsung-hsi see the well-field system as a foundation of a renewed Chinese culture and a stable political state? The well field was the center of a plot of land divided into 9 sections. Eight families farmed the plot; each held one of the sections and the central one belonged to lord of the whole plot. Why? The well-field system is believed to be the most ideal arrangement between landowners and tenants. Under this system, the families occupying each of the eight fields will befriend each other, cooperate in guarding the crops, watch each others back in case of danger, and rescue one another in times of trouble and illness. This system promotes harmony and equal treatment by the landlord. The burden of taxation is also distributed evenly among the families. Huang Tsung-hsi saw this system as the foundation of a renewed Chinese culture and stable political state because, as a follower of Mencius, he advocated that rulers must rule their subjects justly and well. Huang Tsung-hsi abhorred selfish autocratic rule. If a ruler promotes equal distribution, people will not be afraid of getting poor. If the people are assured of their just treatment, there will be peace in a society. Once people are content, government will not fail. In Ibn Khaldun’s analysis of Islamic society, did â€Å"group feeling†function in the same way as the well-field system did for Huang? In Ibn Khalduns analysis of Islamic society, he defined group feeling as subordinating of an individuals personal needs to that of the interest of the group. He argued that if an individual wont prioritize the group, there would be no peace and social development. Comparing this with the well-field system, I should say that in a way they are the same. The same because both systems promote solidarity and cooperation to achieve a purpose. In the well-field system, it can be assumed that individual needs are secondary in relation to what is best for the group. Works Cited Swann, Nancy. Food and Money in Ancient China. Princeton, 1950.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Aim of the Homogenisation Process
Aim of the Homogenisation Process Introduction: Eukaryotic cells such as liver cells enclose a variety of different types of membrane bound structures called organelles (nuclei, mitochondria) as well as macromolecules (ribosomes) (Padh, 1992). Subcellular fractionation is an invaluable technique allowing scientists and researchers alike to successfully isolate and separate specific subcellular components within the cell (Becker et al, 2009). This allows researchers to study the different organelles (using biochemical techniques) in a greater degree of detail therefore increasing our knowledge about the many different types of organelles and macromolecules, thus leading to new scientific advances in this ever advancing era of science and technology (Bonney, 1982; Berns, 1986). It is this very method which in the past allowed Christian de Duve to discover the lysosomes and peroxisomes for which he shared a Nobel Prize with Albert Claude and George Palade in 1974 (Becker et al, 2009). Subcellular fractionation can be safely divided under 3 major headings: Homogenisation proceeded by fractionation and finally purification. Homogenisation: The aim of the homogenisation process is to effectively and efficiently disrupt and break the cells outer membrane thereby releasing their subcellular components (nuclei, mitochondria). This disruption and breaking of the cells must be achieved in a manner that will leave the delicate organelles of interest undamaged and morphologically intact (Loewen, 2003). The cells to be homogenised are kept in an isotonic buffer (0.25M sucrose, 1mM EDTA and 1mM of Tris at pH 7.0). This is to protect the fragile organelles from osmotic damage due to osmotic unbalance as well as environmental instability such as pH interference (Guteriezze, 2010). Many different homogenisation techniques exist and are available, some such include mechanical grinding using Potter-Elvehjen glass homogeniser, cutting methods using warren blender, ultrasonic vibrations in a process called sonication and utilising high pressure such as in the French Press (Loewen, 2003). The Potter-Elvehjen glass homogenizer was used in this experiment. The Potter-Elvehjen glass homogeniser consists of a Teflon pestle which is closely fitted into a glass homogeniser. The homogenising machine moves the Teflon pestle in a verticle up-down motion while simultaneously rotating within the glass homogeniser containing the cells to be homogenised (Mangiapane, 2010). The space between the Teflon pestle and glass homogeniser is incredibly small (0.004-0.006). Therefore as the Teflon pestle moves throught the glass homogeniser a shear force is generated which causes disruption of the cells. The organelles which are released by this process pass undamaged, safetly through the gap between the pestle and glass homogeniser (Loewn, 2003; Mangipane, 2010). The shear forces produced can sometime be destructive to the organelles causing irreversible damage and therefore shear forces need to be controlled. This can be controlled by adjusting the gap width between the pestle and glass homogeniser. A bigger width can protect organelles from damage but the negative side effect of this is that the generated shear forces will not be strong enough to disrupt the cells and therefore few or none organelles will be present in the homogenate. Therefore a careful balance between cell disruption and organelle damage must be maintained. Chemical, physical and structural damage can be caused to organelles due to shear forces which can cause errors when purifying the organelle using biochemical techniques due to enzymes specific to the particular organelle being damage or rendered inactive and these problems must therefore be overcome. Some such precautions which when utilised can overcome or minimise unnecessary damage includes the use of different homogenisation techniques which are more suitable for the cells being homogenised (osmotic disruption, chemical disruption may be considered). Carefull usage of the homogenising equipment (Lowen, 2003). Fractionation: Once the homogenate has been formed, it is ready to be placed in a centrifuge and undergo centrifugation which will separate the different fractions/organelles. Centrifugation generates a centrifugal force which separates the different types of organelles based on their size and density as well as the density and viscousity of the solution the homogenate is in. Therefore the the higher the molecular weight of the organelle the greater the distance I will travel down the centrifuge tubes or the higher its sedimentation rate and consequently the smaller the molecular weight of the organelle the smaller the distance it will travel down the centrifuge tube or the lower its sedimentation rate (Becker et al,2008; Mangipane, 2010). The greater an organelles sedimentation rate is the greater the organelles sedimentation coefficient (in Svedberg units, named after Theodor Sveber who developed the ultracentrifuge) will also increase (Becker et al, 2009). Centrifugal forces can be calculated using For example, if a homogenate containing nuclei, mitochondria and ribosomes is subjected to a centrifugal force, logically the nuclei will be near the bottom of the tube, the ribosomes at the top part of the tube and the mitochondria somewhere in between the nuclei and ribosomes. There are 2 main type of centrifugation methods: Differential centrifugation and density gradient centrifugation. Differential centrifugation This type of centrifugation works on the principles that large dense molecules (nucei) will have a higher sedimentation rate compared to small and less dense molecules (ribosomes) (Becker et al, 2009). During low centrifuge speeds and short times the heavy and dense organelles sediment and can be collected, while as high centrifuge speeds and longer timer the lighter and less dense molecules will sediment and can also be collected (manipulative techniques). Therefore in the homogenate used in the experiment, by using appropriate centrifuge speeds and times the nuclei and mitochondria can be separated using 1500g for 10min and 20000g for 10min respectively. Density gradient centrifugation The method used in density gradient centrifugation, also known as rate-zonal centrifugation works on the principle of separating molecules based on their densities and is achieved by using a density gradient in the centrifuge tube (manipulative techniques; Becker et al, 2009). The density gradient is normally provided by a concentrated sucrose solution which increases in density towards the bottom of the centrifuge tube. The sample requiring fractionation is placed in a layer over the density gradient sucrose solution (Becker et al, 2009). As the centrigugation process proceeds, the different molecules or organelled of different densities are separated based on their densities and that of the increasing sucrose density. When the fractionation bands have been formed are are distinctive the fraction may be remover via a syringe or separation methods. This type of centrifugation can be used to further separate mitochondria from lysosomes and peroxisomes since each of them has a differen t density. Measurements of enzyme activity and macromolecular composition of fractions. purity of fractions. During the centrifugation processes, such as in the differential centrifugation the various types of organelles and macromolecules form gelatinous pellets at the end of each consecutive centrifuge (Dyson, 1979). The different pellets produced contain a variety of different fractions of subcellular organelles and macromolecules and is not specific for just a single type of organelle or macromolecule. As an example in the first centrifugation process to form the nuclei fraction at 1500g for 10mins, the nuclei is pelleted along with other molecules of similar size and molecular weight such as unbroken cells, cell debris and pieces of the cell membranes (Bonney, 1982). In the second centrifugation to form the mitochondrial fraction at 20000g for 10min the pellet contains mitochondria, lysosomes and peroxisomes due to their similar sizes and molecular weight. In the final centrifugation process at 20000g for 10min a supernatant fraction was formed containing many small and low molecular w eight molecules such as the endoplasmic reticulum, microsomes and ribosomes (Minorsky, 2009; Berns, 1986). As stated before fractions will not only require the organelles of interest but also other organelles and macromolecules. It is therefore necessary to be able to assess the purity of the fractions. This can be done in a variety of ways. Microscopic analysis via the light microscope or even electron microscope can be used to identify the different macromolecules present within the fraction, therefore giving an indication whether or not the fractionation procedure has been successful. A mitochondrian therefore can be differentiated from a peroxisome or lysosome basen on its structure (Bonney, 1982). Microscopic anaylsis can also be used in assessing the biochemistry of the fraction by using various cytochemical techniques. Biochemical techniques are a very good way of assessing the type of organelle present as well as the purity of a fraction. Measuring enzyme activity is an excellet method sine some enzymes are very specific and found in one particular organelle. Marker enzymes present in fractions and importance of the techniques involoved in the advancement of biochemistry and cell biology. Marker enzyems are routinely used in subcellular fractionation to differentiate between the many different types of organelles and macromolecules present within the cell. Mitochondria for example can be detected indirectly by the presence of succinate dehydrogenase while lysosomes can be detected by Acid Phosphatase (Bonner, 2007). The function of the mitochondria for example is to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by a process called oxidative phosphorylation and an enzyme specific to the mitochondrion called succinate dehydrogenase can be used as a marker enzyme to differentiate between the presence of mitochondria and other organelles and macromolecules present in the fraction (Padh, 1992). Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) is specific to the inner mitochondria membrane and is responsible for catalysing the oxidation reaction of Succinate, which is a component of the citric acid cycle, into fumarate which is another component of the citric acid cycle. Since flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) is reduced producing FADH2 (Guterize, 2010; Padh, 1992;Girolamo, 2010). Succinate is the electron doner while FAD is the electron acceptor. The products of the above reaction are then reacted with an artificial electron acceptor called INT(a tetrazolium salt) to form a red coloured compound called formazan. This reaction is required because both the fumarate and FADH2 produced in reaction are colourless and therefore there is no certain way of determining succinate dehydrogenase activity, therefore the intensity of the red coloured formazan produced during a specific timeframe in the second reaction can be measured using a spectrophotometer gives an indirect indication of succinate dehydrogenase activity and therefore an indication of the presence of mitochondria as well as its purity within the fraction (guterize, 2010; padh, 1992). Electron microscopy of the isolated organelles is generally the final step in assessing the purity of the fractions as well as studying their morphology (padh, 1992). It is these methods and techniques used in subcellular fractionation which has allowed researchers such as George Palade and Christian de Duve studying to understand and discover the structures, biochemistry and roles played by the various organelles. Results: Table 1 shows the volumes of the homogenate, nuclei fraction, mitochondrial fraction and supernatant fraction. The Homogenate volume was obtained after rat liver homogenisation; NF volume was obtained after 2 consecutive centrifugations at 1500g for 10min; MF volume was also obtained by 2 consecutive centrifugations at 20000g for 10min; SF volume was obtained from the supernatant of the MF centrifugation. Table 2 shows known amounts of bovine serum albumin (BSA) which underwent the biuret reaction; the absorbances were measure using a spectrophotometer at 550nm. As protein amount increases so do the absorbances. This data was used to plot a BSA standard curve. Figure 1 illustrates the BSA standard curve which is a line of best fit. From this graph, the protein amount is determined by using the absorbance values for the different fraction shown in table 3 below. H, NF, MF and SF correspond to homogenate, nuclei fraction, mitochondrial fraction and supernatant fraction respectively. The vertical and horizontal red, blue, green and black coloured lines represent H, NF, MF and SF respectively. From the above graphical data Protein concentration (mg/ml), total protein amount (mg) and protein recovery for each fraction relative to the homogenate can be calculated. Homogenate: Nuclei Fraction: Mitochondrial Fraction: Supernatant Fraction: From the above results the total percentage of protein recovery relative to the homogenate can be determined: The above calculated results are show together in table 3. Table 3 shows the absorbance values obtained from the spectrophotometer. Row B shows the amount of protein that was determined from the BSA standard curve. Row C showed the amount of protein present in 1ml of each fraction; the homogenate had the highest protein concentration, followed by the SF and MF and finally by the NF containing the lowest amount of protein concentration. Row D shows the total amount of protein in each of the fraction and therefore follows the same pattern as the values for Row C. Row E shows the amount of protein recovered relative to the homogenate; The percentage of protein recovery was as follows: SF>MF>NF. Table 4 shows the actual fraction concentrations used, obtained by diluting the original fractions (table 3) with phosphate buffer. The supernatant fraction was left undiluted. Table 5 shows absorbance of each of the fractions (0.2ml) which were diluted by the addition of 4ml of ethyl acetate within formazan. The average absorbance minus the control gives the corrected mean absorbance for each of the fractions. The control values for all 4 fractions were 0 because they were given as negative values by the spectrophotometer. The highest absorbance was recorded for the SF followed by the homogenate, MF and NF. By obtaining the data collected from the previously calculations in tables 1, 3 and 5 it is possible to calculate; the total activity of Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH), the percentage recovery of SDH relative to the homogenate, the specific activity of SDH and the relative specific activity of SDH relative to the homogenate in all 4 fractions (H, NF, MF and SF). Below are the equations which will be used in the calculations: Beer-Lamberts Law: The calculations below will make (concentration) the subject of the formula as well as prove that the units for = or . à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ this can be rearranged to form, , since always equals to , the equation can now be represented as, , the units of this new formula can be calculated as follows, the in the bottom fraction can be cancelled out with the at the top giving, Which à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ gives which is Molarity or concentration. The equation will be used throughout the rest of the calculations. The Formazan molar extinction coefficient= and the assay volume used will be 0.004L (4ml). Homogenate: The absorbance for the homogenate in table 5 was 1.1385 therefore, à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ since this can be arranged to give, The volume used was which gives therefore, Activity à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ total activity of in -1 The answer is required in à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ since Therefore total activity for Homogenate = à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ Therefore specific activity for Homogenate Nuclei Fraction (NF): The absorbance for the nuclei fraction in table 5 was 0.117 therefore, à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ since this can be arranged to give, This gives, Activity à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ total activity of in The answer is required in à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ since Therefore total activity for Nuclei Fraction = à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ Therefore specific activity for Nuclei Fraction Mitochondrial Fraction (MF): The absorbance for the mitochondrial fraction in table 5 was 0.398 therefore, à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ since this can be arranged to give, This gives, Activity à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ total activity in in The answer is required in à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ since Therefore total activity for Mitochondrial Fraction = à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ Therefore specific activity for Mitochondrial Fraction Supernatant Fraction (SF): The absorbance for the supernatant fraction in table 5 was 1.485 therefore, à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ since this can be arranged to give, This gives, Activity à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ total activity in in The answer is required in à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ since Therefore total activity for Supernatant Fraction = à ¢Ã‹â€  ´ Therefore specific activity Supernatant Fraction Calculations for the % SDH recovery and specific SDH activity relative to the homogenate; Since the % SDH recovery and specific SDH activity is to be calculated relative to the homogenate, therefore the homogenate percentage for them both will be 100% Nuclei Fraction: Mitochondrial Fraction: Supernatant Fraction: The main findings of these calculations can be summarized in the table below: Table 6 shows that SDH activity is highest in the SF, followed by the homogenate, MF and finally by NF. The %of SDH recovery (relative to the homogenate) was greatest in the SF, followed by the MF and the NF. The specific SDH activity was greatest in the SF followed by the MF, NF and lastly by the homogenate. The % of specific SDH activity (relative to the homogenate) was greatest in the SF, followed by the MF and NF. Figure 2 illustrates the main findings from table 6. It can be seen that % SDH recovery increases from the Nuclei fraction to the supernatant fraction. The % of specific SDH activity steadily falls from the supernatant fraction to the nuclei fraction. Discussion: According to the results obtained in table 3, it was seen that 99.25% of the protein relative to the homogenate was still present within all the fractions. This high percentage recovery indicates that very little protein was lost during the formations of the nuclei, mitochondrial and supernatant fractions by centrifugation. The 0.75% of protein that was lost is most likely to have been lost while homogenizing the pellets formed during each consecutive centrifugation process. During the usage of hand homogenizers small quantities of the pellet containing the proteins are stuck to the homogenizing vessel or the pestle. These small quantities of proteins being lost during each hand homogenizing process therefore contributes to the loss of proteins recovery. From this high protein recovery it can be said that the overall homogenisation process was very efficient. During each successive centrifugation at different speeds a distinct pellet was formed, thus indicating the separation of organelles. In table 3, different amounts of proteins were present within the pellets. Since these proteins are associated with the different organelles present, this indicates that since different amounts of proteins were found in the fractions therefore various different types of organelles must also be present. But this is not always the case since proteins from other fractions could have been damaged due to the homogenization and centrifugation processes. Therefore the calculations performed on Succinate Dehydrogenase activity, recovery and specificity (table 6, figure 2) showed that that the total SDH activity was highest in the supernatant fraction. Since SDH is a specific marker enzyme to the mitochondrion organelle as explained earlier, the data suggests that the separation of mitochondria during centrifugation to be present within the suspected mitochondr ial dfraction was not optimal. The supernatant also had a very high protein content of 885mg (table3) which indicated therefore that most of the organelles have separated into this freaction, thus indicating the hight amount of SDH activity within the supernatant fraction. In a differential centrifugation process the successive increases in the centrifugal forces applied should create a gradient of the presence of different organelles, with the heaviest molecules in the centrifuge tubes with lowed centrifugal forces, the mediam molecular weighted organelles such as mitochondria in a centriguge in the centrifuge with a medium centrifugal force is applied and small molecular weight organelles such as ribosomes in the centrigue tubes where the highest centrifugal forces are applies. Therefore the separation of organelles has occurred but not to a great extent as seen by the reults in table 3 and table 6. Seperation of organelles could have been greatly improved by possibly refining the lab protocol. To ahieve better mitochondrial separation and therefore more accurate SDH activity measurments the centrifugation process should be done at 20000g but for 20min and not 10min as stated by Loewen (2003) and Becker et al (2009). This will help separate the mitochondria out better. Different centrifugation methods such as density gradient centrifugation can be utilized after the intital differential centrifugation to better separate organelles of similar sizes such as mitochondria, lysosomes and peroxisomes. The new fractions produced can by the densiy gradient centrifugation can be recovered with the use of a syringe. Many other techniques such as the initail homogenisation stage could also have been changed and other techniques could have been used as described earlier. Conclusion: It was found by this experiment that subcellular fractionation is not a perfect method and therefore inaccuracies must be expected. But it is a process that has revolutionaised our understanding of cell structure and function. It was found in the experiment that differential centrifugation can separate organelles to an extent to form a nucleic fraction, mitochondrial fraction and supernatant fraction. Marker enzymes which are present in specific organelles can be used to help distinguish between different organelles as well as the fractions relative purity. SDH was used in this experiment and was found to be present higher in the supernatant, possibly due to experimental error. SDH was specific to the supernatant fraction therore again indicating the presence of mitochondria in the supernatant. The usage of such techniques in this ever advancing era of science and technology has set the stage for future studies and techniques involved in further studying the cells and increasing our knowledge of life as each day passes.
Monday, August 19, 2019
An Introduction to Plastic Gears :: essays papers
An Introduction to Plastic Gears As an employee of a world-class plastic gear manufacturer for many years, I see how this is an undeniably growing part of the gear industry. I hope to briefly describe how something seemingly simple as a plastic gear requires the culmination of many very state-of-the-art processes. Within one word I’ll say that at every level precision is required. Initially, a gear engineer must design a gear that meets the design intent while remaining cognizant of all variables that result from using materials such as plastic. This engineer must design a gear electrode that will actually determine the form of the gear. This electrode is then burned into the mold cavity using a method commonly referred to as EDM or electrical discharge machining. It is essential that the gear electrode be cut identical to the finished gear tooth form. Some compensation is normally made for the shrinkage of plastic as well as the overburn that occurs during the EDM process. The gear engineer normally will alter the gear tooth geometry to relieve stress and strengthen the gear tooth form. This alteration is normally done at the base or root of the gear tooth and at the tip or peak of the tooth. Next, a mold maker then will evaluate what the expected life of the gear program will be so that he can build a mold that is robust and capable producing the many millions of parts with the highest of accuracy. He will ensure that the plastic that will be entering the mold will travel along balanced pathway or runner system that will allow for consistent fill into each mold cavity. His tool for evaluating this flow is done through a computer model commonly referred to as mold flow analysis. He must be capable of understanding what makes a good mold as well as a good gear. Once the mold is completed it is then set into an injection-molding machine. It is important in the precision gear molding industry that the molding unit has a highly controlled system in place to monitor the molding process. It is equally important during this process that there is a means by which all peripheral variables can be controlled. This is done utilizing a central processor, which will maintain balance on all settings for every parameter. Transducers relay all of their information into a central processor that will monitor and maintain this consistent process.
What Is Enterprise Acrhitecture Essay -- Information Technology Essays
What is Enterprise architecture? Enterprise Architecture is the link between strategy and implementation. It is a top down view of the structure of systems; it includes the fundamental organization of a system, embodied by its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles guiding its design. It can be defined as: A means for describing business structures and processes that connect business structures. There are four areas that are commonly accepted as the components of the overall frame work. These are: †¢ Business Process. This includes strategy, governance, organisation, and key business processes. †¢ The Data. This describes the structure of an organisation's data assets. †¢ Applications. This provides an overview for the individual application systems to be deployed, their interactions, and their relationships to the business processes of the organization. †¢ Technology. This describes the logical software and hardware that are required to support the deployment of business, data, and application services. This includes IT infrastructure, networks, communications, processing, etc. It is can be used to get the current view of the business process and also where the business wants to go and how to get there. It can be viewed as city planning for IT covering the overall business processes and IT assets, how they're used, and how they should be built. What Impact could it have on the business? A strong Enterprise Architecture process helps to answer basic questions like: What are the organization's business processes, and how is IT supporting those processes? In general, the essential reasons for developing an Enterprise... ...requirements of an organization. †¢ The required IS and business capabilities to achieve these requirements. It is important to include all relationships with external entities to help ensure proper integration with their systems. †¢ Required changes within the organization this. This includes identifying the gaps between where you are and where you want to be. Once agreement has been reached that this is right for the company and backing received for the key stakeholders the company then needs to: †¢ Agree priorities for delivery. This needs to be planned in manageable stages to accommodate the company’s capacity to handle change. The company should also keep in mind the dependencies between one system and another or the possibility to run systems in parallel during the change over. †¢ Develop the required solutions. †¢ Agree standards. †¢ Evolve solutions.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Navigation :: Geography History Navigation Essays
Navigation Early Explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Magellan relied on landmarks for early navigation, which could result in serious miscalculations. Later explorers discovered they could use the stars as their primary choice for navigation. As technology increased the compass and sextant were used in navigation purposes. The needle of a compass always pointed north, while the sextant used adjustable mirrors to measure angles of the moon and stars. The sextant could only calculate latitude so a device called the chronometer was later invented by John Harrison to compute longitude. The sextant and chronometer were used together to compute measures of longitude and latitude. In the early 20th century many radio-based navigation systems were developed. However these radio based systems were either accurate or covered a large area of space, but not both. Scientists then decided that the only way to cover the entire world was to put high frequency radio systems in space, hence the id ea of GPS or global positioning systems was born. GPS was funded and founded by the Department of Defense. The Departmemet of Defense also controls GPS. The first GPS satellite was launched in 1978. The first ten satellites were called block I satellites. From 1989 to 1993, 23 production satellites called Block II were launched. The last satellite was launched in 1994 completing the system. From this point on with a GPS receiver costing only a few hundred dollars you could constantly learn your location on the planet. GPS is the only system available today that will tell someone their exact position on Earth at any given time in any type of weather. There are 24 satellites in all, which orbit about 11,000 nautical miles above the earth. The satellites are monitored by ground stations located around the world and can transmit signals that can be detected by anyone with a GPS receiver. Using this receiver you can determine your position on Earth with great accuracy. GPS satellites consist of 3 segments: space, control and user. The space segment consists of the 24 satellites in six orbital planes(four satellites in each plain). Each satellite repeats the same 12-hour orbit, but appears four minutes earlier each day. Each satellite orbits at 55 degrees in respect to the equatorial plane with a 12-hour period to orbit the earth.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
McDonald Case study Essay
Comparing with other competitors in the catering industry, McDonald’s has developed into one the giant and most famous fast food restaurants in the world. At present time, McDonald’s is the world’s largest food service retailers offering services to customers, in the same time they are keeping opening new shops all over the world every day. However, even though their business is keeping increasing, but they also met some negative messages from consumers or other parties, such as their products is not unhealthy, food they provided will cause obesity to the childhood. From relative estimation, it shows that obesity condition and the qty of those overweight children have been increasing rapidly throughout the world. More seriously, childhood obesity rate in the country of Australia is the highest in the world. From this consideration, it is much necessary to analysis relationship between the fast food and the obesity. Here, I will take the example of McDonald’s to research in detail 2.0 Analysis of case (McDonald fast food) There are lots of people will be consumed in McDonald’s., roughly, there are more than 30 million customers will be served in McDonald’s restaurants around the world. Accordingly, McDonald also achieved great success, especially comparing with other not so famous similar competitors. But due to fast food’s unique style of business, such as: their unique food ingredients, material used and cooking method, people think fast food will be the main cause for the obesity, typically for children, because they like the taste of such fast food a lot and consumed a lot too. In Australia, according to the study, there are about 25% of children in Australia are obese or overweight nowadays, while that was just 5% in the 1960s. The study from Australia’s Child Youth Help shows that the overweight preschoolers aged four years rose from 3.2% for boys and 3.5% for girls, to 4.1% for boys and 5.8% for girls in 2002. Also according to many scholars and nutritionist’s reflection, it is not hard to know that the fast food provided will be the main reason for causing childhood obesity. Since obesity has lots of negative effect to the health of the people, and especially for childhood, comparing with normal adults, childhood will be the focus for parents or relative health institute to pay attention on. As relative research shows that fast food will generate relative higher fats etc, so becomes one of the main causes of getting child fat. For McDonald, due to their significant achievement, together with their multi-advertisement, makes people, child is more familiar with them, on the contrary, this type of condition also makes McDonald become the target of complaints of childhood obesity. 2.1 Questions 1: McDonald relationship with childhood obesity Due to the cause of the obesity, McDonald’s relationship with child and parents becomes much tight. There are lots of people complain this giant food seller, because they have provided to many fast food to children, which cause them failed to be healthfully growing. In which, their variety type advertisement also become the target for people to blame. Because advertisement will bring good feeling and positive to the consumer, especially when child get to know the advertisement, they will be much easily to be attracted by the contents, therefore, they will be much easily tend to take such advertising food. In the meantime, since they are short of the knowledge to judge and get to know more detail of the products, is it good, or will it bring bad effect to health once eats. So in the way, McDonald’s advertisement becomes the target of people’s blaming. As far as I am concerned, it is not doubt that McDonald will hold the direct responsibility, because they are the food providers, and they are the persuader to make children like their food by advertisement. But in the meantime, children’s parents shall also have the responsibility. Normally when the child go in to the McDonald’s shop, they will accompanied by their parents or elder person, at this point, when the children do not have the knowledge and the ability to tell the negative of the fast food, their older accompanier shall point out in time, also shall provide necessary guide in selecting the food. 2.2 Questions 2. The impact of McDonald’s marketing Advertisement will bring lots of effect to consumers, and for McDonald’s marketing because most of their advertisement contents will be designed by professional, who will be able to make the contents of the advertisement will be much attracting to their consumer, and when they target children, normally, the effect of the advertisement will work. Also they will design relative program to present their products to consumers. 2.2.1 Impact of McDonald’s marketing on individual consumers It is well-known the principle of the treatment to the people in McDonald’s that people are the key to the success of McDonald’s. To individual consumers, McDonald’s celebrate the children’s birthday with them. The parties are fun, Hassie-free and make for great memories to give an impressive and unforgettable experience for each of the individual customers in it. Customers can choose from two great-value packages, each offering games, entertainment and meals, and with more than 200 committed birthday party restaurants Australia-wide, there are plenty of nearby locations to choose from. Additionally, there is online booking for the convenience of the customers, which is even easier to give the little customers a party they’ll love. 2.2.2 Impact of McDonald’s marketing on other business and society Apart from the great favorable impact of McDonald’s to the individual consumers, McDonald’s itself also shed indispensable impact on other business and society as a whole. There are 267 franchisees and 9,000 suppliers serving as business partners in McDonald’s Australia alone (McDonald’s Australia Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Report 2010). Therefore, the great sales in McDonald’s will no doubt generate vast increase to the sales of those business partners to a large extent. 2.3 Question 3: Social marketing’s influence to children Social marketing will contribute and affect a lot to the consumer through variety type of approaches, and it can be clearly known from the example of McDonald. The great success of McDonald’s is basically because of its establishment and implication of its responsibility to do what’s right. To better carry out this responsibility, McDonald’s takes several measures as the societal marketing listing below: (1) Productive strategy of high quality products. The quality of the products is the life thread of an enterprise. From this consideration, McDonald’s places this to the first of the other four criteria. (2) Price strategy of reasonable price. To be successful in the furious competition of fast food industry, McDonald’s implicates the marketing strategy of low price and national uniform price. (3) Service strategy of clean and speedy service. The cleaning of the food in McDonald’s has closed connection with the health of the customers, especially that of the children’s. While clean and speedy service provides convenience for the necessity of busy customers. Promotional strategy oriented with ads. The promotional strategy in McDonald’s is rather simple but quite effective, mainly with the strategy of ads publicity to create sensational effects. (5) Cultural strategy of accustoming to the local culture. McDonald’s maintains its own style of diet and also adapts to the local culture to invent food of the traditional distinguishing features (Nestle & Jacobson, 2000). Through the measures above, McDonald try to widely present their products as top as possible to the consumers, also their products will be accompanied with good service which will greatly influence the consumption intendance and habit of their customer, in which children are also the most part, therefore children will naturally like to eating in McDonald. 2.4 Question 4. Opinion of advertising for kids and other solutions for childhood obesity in Australia 2.4.1 Problems of advertising for kids The advertisements of McDonald’s are always aimed at interesting more customers, especially to the little children. McDonald’s enticing their children customers to want its food by applying free toy giveaways. The ads of McDonald’s are both in TV or other publications produce various attractive pictures and images to entice the children to it from their visual to their gustatory sense. 2.4.2 Other solutions to solve childhood obesity To solve childhood obesity, several strategies are decided as followed: – More focus must be placed on the group prevention rather than the individual treatment and instruction. In order to change the diet and behavior in the family, it is critical whether to depend on the family and the society. The effect of the individual instruction such as the fat farm and summer camps will be very limit without the long term support from the society and school (Allison & Webe, 2003). – School must be the major part of the prevention of childhood obesity. – The government must make no efforts to control childhood obesity. – How to cooperate with the food industry is one of the parts of the strategies (Berg,Buechner& Parham,2003). 2.5 Trend of the fast food industry in Australia The fast food industry in Australia has achieved its great success in recent years. The social and industrial status of fast food industry has been gradually established and become more important. The scales of both the industry and the enterprises are increasingly broadening, and the quality and standard are improving evidently. In a word, the development of fast food industry is limitless in the long run. All around Australia, fast food is not simply a commodity; it is also a representation of â€Å"the West†or â€Å"American†. If it wants to help explain its attraction, McDonald’s should innovate its quality as well as the foods themselves to match the advance demand of the society. Australian business environment was so complicated that foreigners could not hope to survive on their own, in such circumstance, only those enterprise matching with the consumer requirement will be survive. On the whole, Australian consumers treat â€Å"fast food†restaurants as leisure centers and tend to stay longer than do most Americans. In the meantime, other type food, like rice is more than a simple grain; it is imbued with symbolic meanings and is perceived as sacred by many Australians. The style of food does not fit easily into the existing Australian food system, so McDonald’s, if can operated in a more healthy way for their food by improving step by step in innovation, it can be easier to be accepted. 3.0 Conclusion In conclusion, McDonald’s is believed the giant of the fast food industry. It has achieved great success in its sales and the fame all over the world. However, together with its great success, McDonald’s also creates serious problems to the society, in specific the childhood obesity. It is estimated that the prevalence of obesity and overweight children has been increasing rapidly throughout the world. And the rates of the childhood obesity in the country of Australia are the highest in the world. Its beginning relates to the starts of a new political era, on in which local interests challenge the authoritarian rule of the Nationalist Parethy, in this way, the Golden Arches arrive just as Australia reaches takeoff as a major player in the global electronics and computer markets. To many consumers in Australia, McDonald’s meant something the leisure and easy, and people prefer it. So in order to advance their business, but in the same time, not to bring the negative side to the consumer, especially children, it is part of McDonald’s responsibility to take care of their products, trying best to find good method or innovation to catch the problem of causing serious state of childhood obesity, that is certain measures are in great need to be taken to solve or affiliate the situation. It is also believed that with better responsibility taken, and with correct marketing, trying to stick the principle of â€Å"right goods is the base of good marketing†, then the fast food industry will be successful forever. References: Allison,D.B. & Weber,M.T(2003). Treatment and prevention of obesity: what works, what doesn’t work, and what might work. Lipids Berg,F., Buechner J. & Parham E. (2003). Guidelines for childhood obesity prevention programs: promoting healthy weight in children. Nutr Educ Ebhav McDonald’s Australia Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Report 2010 Nestle,M.& Jacobson,M.F(2000). Halting the obesity epidemic: a public health policy approach. Public Health Rep
Friday, August 16, 2019
Racial Discrimination
Seminar on Peace Education A Research Paper on Racial Discrimination Racism takes many forms. In general, it is a belief that a particular race or ethnicity is inferior or superior to others. Racial discrimination involves any act where a person is treated unfairly or vilified because of their race, color, descent, national or ethnic origin. Racism may take the form of stereotyping, name calling or insults, commentary in the media, speeches at public assemblies and abuse on the internet.It can include directly or indirectly excluding people from accessing services, employment, education or sporting activities. Racism can occur systemically, as the result of policies, conditions and practices that affect a broad group of people. For example, research shows that systemic racism can result in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students experiencing poorer outcomes in education, or job applicants without Anglo-Saxon names finding it difficult to gain job interviews. Just as other form s of discrimination may relate to a number of attributes, so does the experience of racism.For example, racism may compound the experience of discrimination of a woman, who is treated less favorably on the basis of her religion and her gender, or an older person, who is discriminated against on the basis of their skin color and their age. In its most serious manifestation, racism is demonstrated in behaviors and activities that embody race hate, abuse and violence – particularly experienced by groups who are visibly different because of their cultural or religious dress, their skin color or their physical appearance. Ultimately, racism is a tool to gain and maintain power.It is also inextricably linked with socio-economic factors, and frequently reflects underlying inequalities in a society. The impact or racism is becoming a major problem in our society today. Racism is a system in which a group of people practice violent acts and power over others on the foundation of their skin color and racial inheritance. Despite the consequences of who discriminates, why is it done and how it is practiced and defended, what has remained true is that racism promotes power, recognition, advantages, and opportunity for some people at the expense of others.Most people today have experienced racism in their lives. They may experience it while they are at school, in the neighborhood, shopping in the mall, dining in a restaurant, and at work. Racism takes place anywhere and everywhere. Racism may even change the way an individual may feel about themselves and marks a deep scar in their life and may take a while to heal. There are three types of racism in the workplace. First type of racism in the workplace is racial discrimination. Second type is color discrimination, and lastly the discrimination of language.The first type of racism in the workplace is racial discrimination. Racial discrimination is present when people are treated in a different way than others who are equally situated because they are part of a particular race and unchangeable characteristics, such as physical features, native to their race. In employment it can happen when employees are treated differently than other employees equally situated because of their interracial dating or marriages, culturally oriented expression of attitudes and beliefs, and members in racially oriented groups.An example of race discrimination is when you didn’t get a job because you were told you wouldn’t fit in to the workplace because of your race, you’ve been rejected service or treated incorrectly in a shop or hotel, or you’ve been separated out for filthy jobs because of your race. The next type of racism in workplace is color discrimination. Color discrimination is present when individuals are treated differently than others who are equally situated because of the color of their skin. This is a separately identifiable type of discrimination that can also occur in con junction with race discrimination.Color discrimination can also occur in the absence of race discrimination when members of the same race are treated differently because of their skin color. An example that relates to color discrimination in the workplace is the employer does not hire anyone darker but hires light-skinned or white persons of all races. Final type of racism in workplace is language discrimination. Language discrimination means treating someone in a different way only because of his or her native language or further characteristics of speech.An example of language discrimination on the job is when an employee may be subjected to language discrimination if the workplace has speak-English-only rule, especially if her primary language is not English. An employee may also be the victim of language discrimination if she is treated less favorably than other employees because she speaks English with an accent, or if she is told she does not qualify for a position because she does not speak English well enough.But language discrimination doesn’t only happen on the job, a person may be denied access to businesses or government services because he or she does not speak English. Racial discrimination is everywhere. In the Philippines, we can say that racial discrimination is evident, especially to those who belong to a tribal minority or ethnic groups. Even the media manifested racism, most of the advertisement that can be seen in the television could let us think about racism.Like for example, the commercial about a whitening soap or lotion, they used image models have dark complexion skin. And in order to promote the effectiveness of their products they have to show that their models are whitened by their products. So meaning having dark skin is not good to look at. Though it is just an advertisement but still it could be another form of racial discrimination among dark people. But not only those advertisements in television, but even also some of our local â€Å"teleserye†or â€Å"telenobela†.In that, I can say that racism is prevalent in the Philippines. Racial discrimination of Filipinos doesn’t exist only within the country but also to other countries. Why do most people from Western and other rich countries discriminate Filipinos? And why do they usually think of us as Gold diggers and stuff? How inferior it is to hear that thing if you were in our part either it is not easy to take that in your part knowing that people around the world describes Filipino as a Domestic Helpers.In the Philippine history, Spanish colony has made a big change in the country and has made contributed positive things and negative things. The friars (Spanish friars of the past settling in the Philippines) is putting into the minds of the students and of the people that they are the Superiors since they are white and the Indios (Filipino’s of before) are brown. In that thing you can already see that there is racial discrimination. One positive thing I can give upon their (the Spanish) contribution to the Philippines is Christianity in the land.This has been the greatest thing Filipino’s at this present is proud of and has made most us religious, God-fearing, prayerful and these things but in the other hand on the negative side, Spanish made us traumatize on the things they have done like being innocent, and idiots. They kept on punishing the people of before if they won’t pay their debts. In fact, we Filipino’s are the real owner of this land and there is no need for us to be demanded on the debts rather it’s in our whim to demand those things from them since they were foreign in the land.But look at what they did, because of power with so much guns, good swords and equipped soldiers, they controlled the land and called the Filipino’s as squatters. Now at the present times, the effects of those traumas have occurred from the cause. We ought to be blameless if we can’t improve our economy that well, but time will come we will prosper since we have a kind of land that is much fertile and with lots of resources to cater the world. People would think we are poor, yes we are poor.Eventually, we are poor in terms of economy that is why most of us go to other lands just to be slaves and we don’t care for as long as we can feed our families after those wages and labors being given. Though the world describes Filipina’s as DH or Domestic Helpers but in our land we call them as Heroes- heroes of our family. If you get to know our culture, I know you would understand everything why we come into certain things. For as long as we live happily, that’s all it takes. The talks of the people won’t stumble us down in fact we become stronger and stronger every day.It doesn’t mean we hate people the way they see us, well it’s normal and it’s there will and choice to hate us. We can’t stop them from it, but all I can say is that, respect is what we ask for. Respect us as humans and as a person. We cannot really avoid such discrimination, so many laws now implemented about anti-racial discrimination but still it is always there. Racism existed throughout human history. In the Philippines, last November 2011 the senate passed a bill that would prohibit and penalize racial discrimination in the workplace, educational institutions, and services.Senate Bill 2814 also known as the Anti-Discrimination Act of 2011, according to its sponsor Sen. Loren Legarda, would provide a lasting and effective solution to discrimination in the country. Legarda said that based on the 20th Periodic report submitted by the government to the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) in 2008, the Philippines does not formally recognize the existence of racial discrimination in the country.She quoted the country’s official stand in the report as saying â€Å"racial discrimination is alien to the prevailing mores and culture of the Filipino People†and that â€Å"racial discrimination has never officially or factually existed in the Philippines, neither in a systemic nor formal nor intermittent nor isolated manner†because â€Å"Filipinos have essentially the same racial and ethnic origins. †Legarda said the government has to formally recognize the existence of racial discrimination in the country.The bill stipulates penalties on acts of racial discrimination in employment, education, delivery of goods, facilities and services, accommodation, transportation, media, and in search and investigatory activities. Persons who â€Å"request, induce, encourage and authorize or assist others to commit acts of discrimination or profiling†would also be held liable. We need to acknowledge that discrimination exists before we can eliminate it for we cannot eradicate something that is considered a ghost by others.We must strive to transform our society into an open-minded and sensitive community where no child is subjected to name-calling because of his distinct looks; we must build a nation where each individual's beliefs and principles are respected and everyone is given equal opportunity to achieve his full potential as a person and as a Filipino citizen. Sources: http://www. senate. gov. ph/press_release/2011/0511_legarda2. asp http://www. philstar. com/Article. aspx? articleId=751133;publicationSubCategoryId=63 http://socyberty. com/ethnicity/racial-discrimination/#ixzz27l5k6GU6
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Jane Elliott Essay
This was one of the most inspirational and educational documentaries that I have ever personally watched. A third grade teacher, Jane Elliott divides her class by blue and brown eyes to teach about discrimination and how it affects people in our society. People in society are taught many things in their lifetime, but when it is experienced first handedly they have a different perspective about it. When speaking with the class about Brotherhood week and what it meant I was shocked when Jane Elliott asked the class â€Å"If there was anyone that we did not treat like a brother†the classes first instant response was black people. There was no hesitation in answering this question. They even used the word â€Å"Nigger†. This is a prime example of how prominent discrimination was at that time, and it is just as prominent in our society today. African Americans currently score lower than European Americans on vocabulary, reading, and mathematics tests, as well as on tests that claim to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. This gap appears before children enter kindergarten, and it persists into adulthood. It has narrowed since 1970, but the typical American black still scores below 75 percent of American whites on most standardized tests. On some tests the typical American black scores below more than 85 percent of whites (Jencks, 1998). African Americans scoring lower on test could possibly be the results of discrimination. Jane Elliott proved this point in her documentary. On both days, children who were designated as inferior took on the look and behavior of genuinely inferior students, performing poorly on tests and other work. I feel that this experiment would be beneficial and should be performed in our school systems to help children experience discrimination, and the feelings of demoralization on a first Page 2 hand basis by using the same method Jane Elliott used by segregating children by eye color. I believe if this experiment was performed in schools today that there would be positive effects, such as improvements in student attitudes, elevated general testing scores, higher standardized test scores and less racial fighting between students. â€Å"A Class Divided†is a documentary that I feel everyone should view no matter what race or ethnicity a person might be. Whether we realize it or not, everyone is prone to some form of discrimination and prejudice. The United States is such a diverse country, so most Americans are not part of the dominant group; therefore due to being a minority, we undergo a feeling of inferiority. This documentary presents us with a different view on the color of someone’s skin. After viewing this, a person will hopefully be less likely to focus on the differences they have with other people and see people all as equals. This topic was of great interest to me due to the fact that I witness discrimination many times a day. Even I, as a white American woman, who is married to someone of a different nationality, faces discrimination. This documentary will help those who do not face discrimination and prejudice in their everyday life, realize what it is like to be on the other end. I believe that racism, discrimination and prejudice are more explained through sociological theories. This does not make it acceptable, but it gives better understanding. Scapegoat theory, holds that prejudice springs from frustration among people who are themselves disadvantage (Dollard et al., 1939). The culture theory, some prejudice is found in everyone (Macionis, pg 281) This was proven by Bogardus (1925, 1967; Elsner, & McFaul, 1977) with the social distance studies that found that people felt much more social distance from some categories than from others (Macionis, pg 279). The conflict theory, this theory relates Page 3 to today’s society. Shelby Steele (1990) explained that minorities themselves encourage race consciousness in order to win power and privileges. She also stated that this strategy may bring short-term gains, that such thinking often sparks backlash from whites or others who oppose special treatment on the basis of race or ethnicity. I believe that there is a lot of hostility and discrimination in society today between white and blacks due to the conflict theory.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Kant on Milgram’s Perils of Obedience
Stanley Milgram conducted a study through a laboratory set-up to evaluate the perils of obedience of different subjects and participants of the study. One of significant results of his study entails that ordinary people, his participants, actively performs his or her job without any hostility and regard in their participation on something wrong done. (Milgram, 1974). To some evaluated participants, the case describes their disobedience with the standards of morality given the provision of a governing or instructing authority. Participants who were made to do wrong at some point, would derive satisfaction from the wrongness by knowing that they obeyed the authority commanding their actions. Milgram mentions that obedience can be defined as the ability of an individual to disassociate his responsibility on the wrong act because he only granted his authority’s wishes (Milgram, 1974). Moreover, a subordinate would feel shame or pride depending on how he has followed an authority’s instructions. The reality this reflects in the society maintains that loyalty, duty and discipline are significantly strained with the emotional and obedience conflicts. A subordinate’s defined role is does not necessarily instill his morale, but rather socially construct his role based on the social provisions, including defiance of his role in the perspective of his authority. Obedience in some cases also reflects a defense for people to do wrong things, as explained in the article, many participants who became the teacher in the set-up, punished the learner because they were following the instructions of the experimenter, and assured of no responsibility with the learner. People heeds to authority without discerning their own stance or the consequences of their actions. Based on Kant’s model of society, all disobedience from the supreme legislative power, or the authority and law, is considered as the greatest and most punishable crime of mankind because it inhibits the very foundations of society. Kant’s position on obedience does not allow the challenge of authority, and rejects the right of revolution or rebellion. (Williams, 1983) The evidence is shown through the study conducted by Milgram. Kant strictly attributed authority with the same governing laws and constitution of a society, thus disallowing any form of disobedience. Realized through Milgram’s article is the conflict which arises from following the authority with personal moral issues within an individual. Kant’s philosophy on this maintains the duty of all individual to hope for both moral and positive law to be achieved. (Williams, 1983) Kant defined obedience as a requirement of pure reason from individuals and makes them coerce with the law of an authority, while maintaining their freedom within and among their fellows. (Williams, 1983) The system of an authority demands strict adherence from the subjects of the state, because that makes individuals be the subject of authority. However, Kant subjects a restriction to an individual to resist conflict of the morality of one’s own, with his adherence to the authority. The arguments resolved by Milgram on his study entails how individuals refer to their morality with obedience to authority. Evidently, emotions and moral issues comes in conflict with being submissive to authority, but in the end, people act even in contrast with their emotion because the pride and satisfaction of doing what can be considered as wrong, comes from following the directives of the authority.
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