Thursday, October 31, 2019
Issues in global economy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Issues in global economy - Research Paper Example This piece of writing will center on the strengths, weaknesses, and legality through explanation and in depth analysis. James argues that the effect of information technology on Global perspective has not been deliberately considered. He further stipulates that some developing countries are not in a spot to enjoy the technical changes in the information technology. James further posits that developing countries should become accustomed to the plentiful uniqueness of the information technology such as capability of eliminating irrepressible competition in the business globe. He added that there are great ideology and procedures linked with the information technology (Bigman 2007, p.3-5). James draws his strong points from a World Bank publication that was published in 1996. The document was entitled Global Economic Prospects and The Developing Countries. This document showed findings on irregular participation of developing countries in overseas trade and investments. Good number of d eveloping countries experienced undeniably inferior foreign investments to GDP ratios. Technology situates its control on a range of aspects of the economy such as societal, political, and monetary factors (Bertho 2008, p.168-170). James argues that in the midst of developing countries, the NICs more than any other cluster of developing countries have immensely improved by having a clear understanding of the benefits of information technology and enhanced interaction amongst them. The author supports his argument by giving examples of the countries who have realized dire need of involvement in information technology such as Taiwan, Singapore, and Korea. He emphasizes that these countries had sensed the revolutionary changes and transformations brought about by the information technology. The countries deemed it necessary to increase their competitive edge by thoroughly involving themselves in technological transformation of the complete economy (French 2008, p.80-81). James derived his arguments from very rich sources such as the World Bank and other scholarly sources. Additionally, it comes into reader’s mind that the issue of technology in advancement of the economy has been immensely studied. James argues that developing countries should be able to comprehend and absorb the various benefits coupled with technology in enhancement of the economy. The author, who acknowledges the uneven distribution of globalization, adds that governments should come up with very clear policies that aspire to incorporate the developments of information technology in the developing countries (Bertho 2008, p.163-165). James elaborately, describes and relates the thought of information technology with the global economy by recurrently giving examples. He stipulates that information technology have ease communication amongst countries by stating e-commerce among the advantages gained by technology. He further argues that there are numerous cot saving ideas that are found in technology. According to James, the countries involved intensive use of technology, gains a competitive advantage and better infrastructure thus increasing their foreign investments (Bigman 2007, p.4-6). The article’s motive was to relate globalization with the information technology but this has not been entirely considered by James. The author does not clearly explain in this article, how information techn
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
PR And New Media Essay Example for Free
PR And New Media Essay Public relations (PR) are the management of internal and external communication environment of an organization to generate and sustain a positive image and goodwill. It often involves in activities like popularizing successes or exaggerating success, rejecting failures or hiding the weakness of company, announcement of new promotion campaigns, detailing new strategies involving public, media and investors. It should be mentioned that Public relations is also viewed as an art or technique to endorse, encourage, sponsor goodwill in the external environment like media and public. Thus, it is essential to incorporate a proper campaign related to public health program in the context of public health like the one the campaign targeted in this case: An anti-smoking health campaign for the UK department of Health, aimed at encouraging 35-45 year old smokers, primarily in disadvantaged areas, to access NHS smoking cessation services. This group is traditionally considered difficult to reach. Public health relates to all the threats for the general Health of the society, focusing on the resident’s and non-resident’s health analysis. Health can be defined as complete body, mind and social welfare, but not simply the failure to be suffering from a disease or infirmity. It can be stated that diet, religious nourishment and brain balance, determine someone’s health. Health can be environmental, epidemiological, and professional/Occupational. The nation’s resources should be spent in saving lives and improving living conditions. Research and development on public health is necessary to determine the cause of disease and cure or prevention for the diseases. Thus, a public health campaign is essential for UK in the context of Anti smoking awareness. Public relation is an important management function of any organization and in this issue of anti smoking campaign. It dictates the communication environment be it internal or external, of an organization. It is often done to create and maintain an optimistic image and goodwill of the organization. Public relation is also viewed as a process to support, encourage and sponsor goodwill. It effects in not only the external environment like media, investors and public but also the internal environment like employee and investors. As Mr. Robert L. Heath said Public Relations is a set of management, supervisory, and technical functions that foster an organizations ability to strategically listen to, appreciate, and respond to those persons whose mutually beneficial relationships with the organization are necessary if it is to achieve its missions and values. (Wiki, 2007) With changing world perception, public relation starts from collection of data, identifying challenges and problem areas, and finally making strategies for implementing goals. So when it comes to health it Public Relation becomes more so important. It is not only health awareness but also controlling various health factors like cancer, tropical diseases etc. Here methodologies used for Public Relations are press releases, press kits, advertisements in newspaper, satellite feeds, web casts, wire service distribution of information and internet placement. Other indirect tools can be include entertainment product placement (television, events, celebrity), product launches, press conferences, media seminars, producing events, speechwriting and establishing partnerships. The most important aspect here is use of right media for right purpose. Anti-smoking health campaign for the UK department of Health One of the main challenges in facing the world is smoking. Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking, directly or indirectly. One in two lifetime smokers have been seen to die from this habit. Half of these deaths will occur in middle age usually in the age group of 35-45. Tobacco smoke itself is the reason of number of cancers. The resultant mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide, in each cigarette smoke can temporarily increase ones heart rate and blood pressure, straining the heart and blood vessels. This causes heart attacks and stroke. It slows your blood flow, cutting off oxygen to your feet and hands to the brain. Some smokers end up having their limbs amputated. Tar coats on lungs like soot in a chimney and causes cancer. A 20-a-day smoker on average breathes in up to a full cup (210 g) of tar in a year. Carbon monoxide can cause depletion of muscles, brain and body tissue of oxygen, making the whole body and especially the heart work harder. Over time, airways swell up and let less air into your lungs. Heart disease and strokes are seen to be more common among smokers than non-smokers. It also causes fat deposits to narrow and block blood vessels, which lead to heart attack. (QSS, 2007) The National Health Service (NHS) a publicly funded healthcare system in Great Britain provides healthcare to everyone normally resident in the UK. It is funded exclusively through income tax, and provides many services are free of charge to the patient. Other than normal healthcare NHS has been required to take on pro-active socially directive policies, for example, in respect of smoking and obesity. Here National Health Service can involve new media in its Public relation activities. The National Health Service of Great Britain has been using stop smoking clinics for quite some time now. It has been called a success after figures showed significant progress in disadvantaged areas. The study found 8.8% of smokers in poorer areas had quit at the four-week mark, compared with 7.8% elsewhere. The comparison is particularly relevant as smoking is a key factor in health inequalities with those from deprived backgrounds more likely to smoke. Smoking cessation clinics, offering counseling and treatment in the form of nicotine replacement therapy, were set up in 1999. (News.BBC, 2007) The age group of 35-45 for smokers is of particular interest to NHS. This age group primarily consists of new mothers and fathers to middle aged people. This age-group has been found particularly difficult to reach because of job related problems. In study it has been found children whose parents smoke during pregnancy or in the early years of childhood are more likely to smokers than those whose parents are not. This age group is also the most stressed among other groups leading or finding excuse in smoking. It has been found that quitting trends of smoking has been lower in populations in disadvantaged areas. NHS can use different methodologies with the help of new media to propagate these services. Disadvantaged areas or not internet and television are more or less available to most people on UK. On of the better techniques that can be use by NHS can be blogs, news feeds, social networking sites, news sites, patient review sites, experience or photo sharing sites, even games or interactive media. These can offer the latest insights to new technologies available for stop smoking. These pod casts can also be use to tell the participating audiences about camps going around and take updates from them about their current status of smoking habits on weekly basis as is normally done. This also ensures that the privacy for the participating audiences and even participate in some activities anonymously. NHS can optimize use of blogs and social networks for maximize positive exposure. It can harness the potential of the full range of new media channels like live-feeds, podcasts, life casts of smokers quitting smoking. Here patients can create their own content, writing their experiences of quitting; posting pictures and videos, and can also offer their experiences to other fellow counterparts. Patients can be allowed questions to a panel of elite professionals and gain valuable insights into how they wish to be cured and continue after the quit smoking exercise has been done. At the same time, evaluated results can also seen and effectively the impact of PR strategy with the help of Public Relation Strategy can found and if needed be altered. However, there is a significant advantage of the new media. New Media works best among a focus group of like-minded people. Visitors should be spreading the word to friends that will be interested in the topic, not to everyone else. Thus, in this context, the target audience (aged 35-45) would be accessed easily once the advertisement is properly carried out. When visitors are not even sure about the significance or meaning of targeting, how can they be made to act as advocates? The reward should be relevant to the target audience. The size of the reward should not be so large that customers resort to cheating. Again, the advertiser should control the response by ensuring that products are carried to specific groups interested in it. CNET regularly gives away technical content free to users. In return, subscribers need to take a link to CNET. This feature allows users to put up technical content in their websites. Participants in the program will naturally be placing the stories to visitors who will be concerned with trade or industry news. The relevance of the giveaway (free content) effortlessly brings in the target audience. The costs of improper planning, analysis and the wrong products can tip the scales instantaneously on a campaign. Though viral marketing is a relatively low cost advertising strategy, the wrong move could disable a company or product. A lot more is anticipated on this subject. However, to incorporate user-generated content into this communication plan it is important to process a well-formulated feedback plan from the visitors on the subject. For the purpose, a questioner on the subject would be presented and the response would collect, as it would prove to be the benchmark of this project and determinant of its success and failure. Nevertheless, a high amount of feedback returns would be almost synonymous for the success of this campaign. However, here is a shortcoming of the new media, it is the small working groups, and often numerous numbers of such sites can make difficultly for NHS. New Media tactics are designed to spread rapidly. One tells two friends who tell two others and so on till the numbers reach a highly critical mass. This is the same principle working in real time direct marketing programs. In the ambience of the web, growth is instant and so is the reaction. A good joke spreads to thousands in one day because it is so convenient to click Forward, and hit Send. Such is the potential of a New Media program. We have often seen those â€Å"distress†messages operating similarly. When dealing with a web site the respondents might have to enter a site, registering, download a large file, buy things or request free deals. A 100-fold increase in traffic might result in just one day, providing the message is compelling enough and the proposition is motivating. More to the point is whether the advertiser’s server is ready to take this flood. Is staff ready for this onslaught? If proactive plans are not in place, then the huge response will most likely end up in a backlash. However, other media programs would also be instrumental in the issue. Measures would be taken to fulfill the approach under various parameters. A multiple mode of public relation applications would be used like radio, print media, TV and live campaigns. Programs related to public heath would be aired on radio and TV to make the mass aware of the smoking hazard and the protection needed against these smoking related diseases. Live campaigns and kiosks would be incorporated in public spaces and within vulnerable communities to create awareness. Special units would also be prepared to persuade the health ministry with participants from all walks of life with possible influential backgrounds. It is important to create awareness both in the parameters of public and administrative strata and without the help of both the overall objectives of the public health program would not be fruitful. Conclusion In conclusion it can well be stated that crisis in western capitalism generated the operation of an interventionist welfare state has been resolved by transferring the burden of crisis to some groups among welfare state consumers, as earlier discussion of the realignment of welfare policy in accordance to public healthcare programs formulation, specifically related to the anti-smoking issue. This shift to a theoretical model whereby the welfare state is seen as in process of ‘modernisation’ or as in ‘transition’ may well have supplanted earlier crisis theory at a time when the real crisis for the welfare state, in the case of public healthcare program formulation at least, may finally arrived. Bibliography: Croteau, D and Hoynes, W; (2003); Media Society: Industries, Images and Audiences (third edition) Pine Forge Press: Thousand Oakes Economist; (2007); Story;; Retrieved on 04.03.2008 from Flew, Terry; (2002); New Media: An Introduction; Oxford University Press, UK Manovich, Lev; (2001) The Language of New Media; MIT Press, Cambridge and London News.BBC; (2007); Health;; Retrieved on 04.03.2008 from QSS; (2007); Harmful Smoking Effects;; Retrieved on 04.03.2008 from Wiki; (2007); Public Relations; wikipedia; Retrieved on 04.03.2008 from
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Gender Equality in Education: Violence Against Women
Gender Equality in Education: Violence Against Women Gender Inequality in Education: Obstacle for Teachers to Fight Against Violence Nidhi Singh, Shashi Bharti Abstract Violence against women and girls is one of the most systematic and widespread human rights violations. It is rooted in gendered social structures rather than individual and random acts; it cuts across age, socio-economic, educational and geographic boundaries; affects all societies; and is a major obstacle to ending gender inequality and discrimination globally. (UN General Assembly, 2006). Teachers are worshipped as God because the God himself says that the way to reach him is shown by the teachers. In this paper gender inequality is addressed and it is seen that first of all the mindset should be changed that they are not the superior players and they could do anything with anyone and it could be only done by teachers as they will read and try to change the mindset. Census data of Uttar Pradesh is looked up, male and female comparison is done. The latest census data of 2011 is analyzed and it could be said that different scheme are their for the development of females but yet the d evelopment is not up to the mark so how come the violence could be decreased. Keywords: Education, violence, gender inequality, literacy rate and development Introduction Violence against women and girls is one of the most systematic and widespread human rights violations. It is rooted in gendered social structures rather than individual and random acts; it cuts across age, socio-economic, educational and geographic boundaries; affects all societies; and is a major obstacle to ending gender inequality and discrimination globally. (UN General Assembly, 2006) The United Nations defines violence against women as â€Å"any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life†(General Assembly Resolution 48/104 Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, 1993). Teacher are said to be an ideal personality for the development of the nation. A well know proverb is â€Å"Guru Govind dono khade kake lagu paay, Balihari Guru aapki Govind diyo batay.†(Sant Kabir) Kabir wrote this verse to sing the glory of Guru, without whose help, one cannot cross this ocean of worldlylife. He asks, â€Å"If both, Guru and God in form of Govind were to appear at the door, whose feet will I worship first?†He answers, â€Å"It has to be the Guru’s feet first, because without him, how would I have recognized (known) God?†Women constitute nearly half of the population of the world. Education of women is considered an important issue in the development of the society and if society is developed it will take active part in the development of the nation. Women are educated than only they will able to look and fight after the negative issues faced by them in a positive manner. If each and every state of the country is educated then only the overall growth of the country is possible. India comprises of 29 States and 6 Union Territories. Uttar Pradesh is the most populous and 4th largest state of union of India. Uttar Pradesh is located in the northern part of India. The literal meaning of Uttar Pradesh is Northern Province. With the adoption of constitution of republic India on January 26, 1950, the state of Uttar Pradesh, cultural cradle of India, came into existence. On November 9, 2000, Uttar Pradesh was divided into two states – Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal (later renamed as Uttarakhand) resulting in drastically altering the shape of the state. Lucknow is the administrative and legislative capital of the state while Kanpur is the financial and industrial capital. There are in total 71 districts in this state. Today scenario it this as female are taking active part for their empowerment but after 15 years it will change a lot means the issues will increase and when one grows at an age of 21 she will have to face too many issues because it will change more fast. The figures stated are government figures and they are politically influenced and not real figures. Tangible perception is different from reality and how this global change is taking place females have to work harder to match up with it. Addressing Gender Inequality to Decrease Violence Educational reforms can play an important role in preventing violence against women by increasing school safety, by empowering women through education, and by promoting better attitudes and practices among students with regard to women’s human rights. Gender inequality and discrimination are root causes of violence against women, influenced by the historical and structural power imbalances between women and men which exist in varying degrees across all communities in the world. Violence against women and girls is related to their lack of power and control, as well as to the social norms that prescribe men and women’s roles in society and condone abuse. Inequalities between men and women cut across public and private spheres of life, and across social, economic, cultural, and political rights; and are manifested in restrictions and limitations on women’s freedoms, choices and opportunities. These inequalities can increase women’s and girls’ risks of abuse, violent relationships and exploitation, for example, due to economic dependency and limited survival and income-earning options, or discrimination under the law as it relates to marriage, divorce, and child custody rights. Violence against women and girls is not only a consequence of gender inequality, but reinforces women’s low status in society and the multiple disparities between women and men. (UN General Assembly, 2006) Women Education Prospects and Challenges Women Education is necessary because if a women is educated she would be able to empower herself for her rights, fight against discrimination, able to take decision concerning herself, contribute to economic growth of nation, will be able to face all scientific and technological changes and will participate in world politics. In spite of all these knowledge and different programs running at Central and State level the Literacy Growth of female is not up to the mark in Uttar Pradesh as per the rules of National Planning Commission. In India literacy rate is calculated if the person is able to read and write but the actual scenario is totally different because literacy is not just reading and writing but one should be able to understand all perspect. The Literacy rate of females of rural area was 36.90 percent in 2001 and 53.65 percent in 2011 which is low as compared to literacy rate of females in urban areas which was 61.73 percent in 2001 and 69.22 in 2011. Gender Inequality is seen clearly in Uttar Pradesh as per the Census data of 2011 which shows that 77.28 percent of male are literate as compared to female is 57.18 percent. TABLE 1 LITERACY RATE OF UTTAR PRADESH (PERCENTAGE-WISE) YEAR MALE FEMALE 1951 19.2 4.1 1961 32.1 8.4 1971 35.0 11.2 1981 46.7 16.7 1991 54.8 24.4 2001 70.2 43.0 2011 77.3 57.2 Source: Different sources Note: The literacy rate for year before 1981 was calculated for aged 5 year and above and from 1981 to 2011 it was calculated for 7 year and above. The above Table shows that how the literacy rate had been increased from 12.2 percent to 56.27 percent which is nearly 5 times increment but yet it is not up to the mark. The increase in male percentage is just 4 times which as compared to female is low because female percentage has risen from 4 to 57 which is a good sign but yet it’s below male percentage. This shows that still many females are unable to go to school i.e. the thought of gender inequality is there. So to bring equality for the developed India lot of work is to be done so that ther should be no thought of difference between male and female and violence could be decreased. Secondly it could be clearly seen that female are unable to go to school for the basic education that how could teachers could take active part to make them aware and ready to face any kind of violence that take place with them. TABLE-2: DISTRICT WISE MALE AND FEMALE LITERACY IN UTTAR PRADESH AS PER 2011 CENSUS SL.NO DISTRICT MALE LITERACY FEMALE LITERACY 1 Saharanpur 79.77% 63.30% 2 Muzaffarnagar 79.11% 60.00% 3 Bijnor 78.70% 61.45% 4 Moradabad 66.83% 49.63% 5 Rampur 63.10% 46.19% 6 Jyotiba Phule Nagar 76.53% 53.77% 7 Meerut 82.91% 65.69% 8 Baghpat 84.17% 61.22% 9 Ghaziabad 88.16% 81.42% 10 Gautam Buddha Nagar 90.23% 72.78% 11 Bulandshahr 82.52% 56.60% 12 Aligarh 80.24% 57.48% 13 Mahamaya Nagar 83.83% 60.79% 14 Mathura 84.39% 58.93% 15 Agra 78.32% 59.16% 16 Firozabad 83.08% 64.80% 17 Mainpuri 86.93% 68.35% 18 Budaun 62.39% 41.76% 19 Bareilly 69.47% 50.35% 20 Pilibhit 73.46% 52.43% 21 Shahjahanpur 70.09% 51.73% 22 Kheri 71.58% 52.62% 23 Sitapur 72.61% 52.80% 24 Hardoi 77.20% 59.17% 25 Unnao 77.06% 58.54% 26 Lucknow 84.27% 73.88% 27 Rae Bareli 79.39% 58.06% 28 Farrukhabad 79.34% 60.51% 29 Kannauj 82.36% 64.46% 30 Etawah 87.64% 71.16% 31 Auraiya 87.37% 71.97% 32 Kanpur Dehat 85.27% 68.48% 33 Kanpur Nagar 85.07% 76.89% 34 Jalaun 84.89% 63.88% 35 Jhansi 86.58% 64.88% 36 Lalitpur 76.41% 52.26% 37 Hamirpur 81.27% 57.19% 38 Mahoba 77.72% 54.65% 39 Banda 79.38% 54.95% 40 Chitrakoot 77.42% 54.03% 41 Fatehpur 78.69% 57.76% 42 Pratapgarh 85.29% 60.99% 43 Kaushambi 75.35% 50.76% 44 Allahabad 85.00% 62.67% 45 Bara Banki 72.49% 54.10% 46 Faizabad 80.21% 60.72% 47 Ambedkar Nagar 83.95% 64.62% 48 Sultanpur 81.99% 60.17% 49 Bahraich 60.23% 40.76% 50 Shrawasti 59.55% 37.07% 51 Balrampur 61.66% 40.92% 52 Gonda 72.23% 49.13% 53 Siddharthnagar 73.79% 49.61% 54 Basti 80.65% 58.35% 55 Sant Kabir Nagar 80.72% 56.99% 56 Mahrajganj 77.62% 50.14% 57 Gorakhpur 84.38% 61.54% 58 Kushinagar 80.10% 54.74% 59 Deoria 86.07% 61.34% 60 Azamgarh 83.08% 62.65% 61 Mau 84.61% 65.59% 62 Ballia 85.19% 61.72% 63 Jaunpur 86.06% 61.70% 64 Ghazipur 85.77% 62.29% 65 Chandauli 83.58% 63.07% 66 Varanasi 85.12% 68.20% 67 Sant Ravidas Nagar (Bhadohi) 83.87% 57.79% 68 Mirzapur 80.83% 58.77% 69 Sonbhadra 77.19% 54.11% 70 Etah 83.21% 61.72% 71 Kanshiram Nagar 72.91% 50.20% Source: 22nd February 2014 time: 8:16 P.M The above table shows that there is a vast difference between the male female literacy rates of U.P and if this rate is analyzed on the basis of urban and rural population is would be looked that female literacy is very low in rural areas. Guatam Budh Nagar has highest literacy of male i.e nerly 90 percent and the female literacy there is 72 percent, the difference in the same area is so much and lowest in Shrawasti district which is 60 percent and there female literacy is 37 percent, the difference is too much. In case of female highest is in Ghaziabad i.e. 81 percent and there male literacy is 88 percent and lowest in Shrawasti district where female literacy 37 percent and male literacy 60 percent hence it could be seen that the difference is vast which arises the case of gender inequality. Until and unless the thought of gender inequality could be withdrawn from the mind of the people of society it would be tough to decrease the violence against women. So, it could be said that te achers should take active part in bringing people to come to school as it could be clearly seen that the difference between male female literacy is vast, and make them aware that there is no such thought of gender inequality and train them to reduce violence and fight against violence if they come to see anywhere. Conclusion â€Å"If you educate a man you educate an individual, however, if you educate a woman you educate a whole family. Women empowered means mother India empowered†. PT. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU. Education is the main source to develop a healthy mindset to face all the good and bad things in the society. Women should be educated so that they could be able to discriminate the up and downs they come to face. Gender inequality should be treated well because if the thought of who is at a superior position should be erased from the mindset than the violence should be automatically decreased. Teachers should take active part in bringing female to the schools and make them aware of the negativities of the societies. Different program’s are being ruined by government for the development of female but yet they are not sufficient some more action should be taken. References Bhandari, S., An Analysis of Women Education In India, Education Confab, Vol.3, No.2, February 2014, ISSN; 2320-009X dated: 23rd February 2014, 5:10 P.M Ending Violence against Women and Girls Programming Essentials, 7 June 2013- Engendering Empowerment: A companion volume to the E4 conferences: , United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative April 2012 Final Population Total Chapter 7, Census of India 2001- dated: 23rd February 2014, 2:29 P.M Population Stabilization in Uttar Pradesh India Past, Present and Future Directions-‎ Provisional Population Totals Chapter 7, Census of India 2001 , Series 1, India, Paper 1 of 2001 Seven stories Stories.pdf Shah, R.N., Literacy Rate in India, International Journal of Research in all Subjects in Multi Languages, Vol. 1, Issue:7, October 2013 , ISSN: 2321 – 2853 State Highlights (Executive Summary)-‎ SUGUNA, M., Education And Women Empowerment In India, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.1 Issue 8, December 2011, ISSN 2231 5780 United Nations General Assembly. 2006. In-Depth Study on All Forms of Violence against Women: Report of the Secretary General. A/61/122/Add.1. United Nations, New York. February 2010- Uttar Pradesh: The State Profile, December 2011, PHD Chamber Of Commerce and Industry Why violence against women and girls happens, and how to prevent it by Michael Flood , August 2007- dated: 22nd February 2014, 8:16P.M. dated: 23rd February 2014, 11:12 A.M dated: 23rd February 2014, 2:29 P.M dated: 22nd February 2014 at 2:34 A.M, dated: 23rd February 2014, 5:10 P.M dated: 19th February 2014, 6:30 P.M
Friday, October 25, 2019
Why Belgium is a Special Country Essay -- essays research papers
Belgium is a small country in Northwestern Europe, bordering France, Luxembourg, Germany, The Netherlands, The North Sea, and the North Atlantic Ocean. About the size of Maryland, Belgium has a suprising 10.3 million people. In which most of the people are Flemish and French. Belgium's position at the "crossroads of Europe" give the country an international flavor. Mostly true in Belgium's capitol city, Brussels. Brussels is the home of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO), which makes Belgium a very special, yet unnoticed, country. Bonjour or hello. Bonjour is hello in French, one of the many spoken languages in Belgium. Sadly French is only spoken by 32 % of Belgians. The other 68 % is spoken by Flemish with 56 %, Bilingual with 11 % , and German with a lonesome 1 %. Obviously Flemish is the most spoken, and is the easiest language translating thank you to dank u, and very well to goed. Most likely if you were to visit or live in Belgium Flemish would be the language to speak. At the crossroads of Europe, Belgium has witnessed a constant ebb and flow of different peoples and cultures over its long history. It comprises cultural elements of Celtic, Roman, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Austrian origins. Immigrants who came to Belgium from Southern Europe, Turkey, and North Africa after World War II have further contributed to the country's cultural mix. Today, Belgians are divided linguistically into Dutch speakers, called Flemings, and French speakers, called Walloons, with a nominally bilingual population in Brussels. Some 67,000 German speakers live in the east, about 900,000 foreigners reside in Belgium as well. Population density is the second highest in Europe, after the Netherlands. Every Belgian ... ...ding and an architectural heritage of value to qualify for the nomination.Shopping is one of the most popular activities undertaken by UK holidaymakers when they travel around Europe, and this is increasingly becoming the case with Brussels which is attracting more and more of the big names in national and international fashion to its growing shopping districts. What better way to discover the delights of the destination than to visit gems such as Crupet, a charming little town on the edge of a wooded valley, or Melin with its spectacular views, nestled on the heights of a valley or even the picturesque Lompret, situated in the meander of a river while enjoying the best of what these villages have to offer. In conclusion, Belgium's beautiful landscape and delicious foods make it the ideal place to live or vacation. One should feel lucky and pleased to call it home.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Symbolism of the Island
The Island Major Joe Ridge View High School English 1 Mrs. Walker December 17, 2012 There are many different symbols in the book Lord of the Flies. Some of the symbols represent peace and some represent war. Some of the characters themselves represent different symbols. The item of symbolism that stood out the most was the island itself. The island itself is an excellent item of symbolism because it uses the boys themselves to convey what it stands for thus almost making itself seem alive. The island represents peace, atavism, the struggle to hang on to civilization, life, and the struggle to hang on to humanity.The island itself stands for peace. It shows this through Simon. The special place in the jungle where Simon went shows the peaceful part of the island. There is not much of it but it is there hidden by all of the confusion other factors at work. â€Å"He came to a last place where more sunshine fell. Since they had not so far to go for light the creepers had woven a great m at that hung at the side of an open space in the jungle; for here a patch of rock came close to the surface and would not allow more than little plants and ferns to grow. The whole space was walled with dark aromatic bushes, and was a bowl of heat and light.A great Tree, fallen across one corner, leaned against the trees that still stood and rapid climber flaunted red and yellow sprays right to the top†(Golding 56). Simon found that place peaceful and beautiful. He goes there in the middle of the night just to escape the atavistic character of the island itself which is portrayed through the forest and Jack. The island also shows atavism through the forest and through Jack. Throughout the story the boys continued referring back to creepers â€Å"I can’t hardly move with all these creeper things†(Golding 7).Creepers are like vines that climb up tree trunks and grow across open patches of ground. They cover up the trees and ground and make it hard for the tree or the ground to get sunlight or water. The vines take the water from the trees so that they can survive in the conditions of the island. Jack and his hunters do similarly the same thing with the pigs. The boys engulf the pig with their presence and beat it to death making it nearly impossible for them to escape the rancorous attacks and also making it nearly impossible for the pigs to breed and fill the island with wildlife and swine.The island also portrays life. For this it uses the open space that Simon found and the fire. When Simon found his special part of the island, he noticed that the creepers did not grow there allowing the fruit trees and the flowers to grow there abundantly. The fire also symbolizes the life of not only the island but the life of the boys’ morale and hope of going home again. â€Å"The fire was dead. They saw the straightaway; saw what they had really known down on the beach when the smoke of home had beckoned. The fire was out, smokeless and dead ; the watchers were gone.A pile of unused fuel lay ready,†(Golding 67-68). The boys saw a ship passing by in the distance when they found out that the fire was dead. At that moment Ralph called an assembly. Jack and his hunters came from the forest with a pig. Ralph told Jack about the fire and the ship but the only thing the Jack was concentrated on was how he and his hunters managed to capture the pig. The Island also represents the struggle to hang on to civilization. The Island shows this through the scar that the plane left when it crashed.The entire island is in order with creepers and trees making an attempt to grow everywhere. The beach is sandy and the lagoon is not too far from the beach everything on the island was neat and in order. The plane crashed it left a scar that left a path of burned creepers fallen trees and overturned dirt and debris. The rocks on the island also had a role in breaking the rope of civilization. When Piggy’s glasses broke they fell on a rock after Jack smacked them off of Piggy’s face. â€Å"Ralph made a step forward and Jack smacked Piggy’s head. Piggy’s glasses flew off and tinkled on the rocks.Piggy cried out in terror: ‘My specs! ’†¦ ‘One side’s broken†(Golding 71). At that moment in the book the normal world’s idea of civilization went out of the window and Jack’s idea took over. Ralph and piggy both wanted to keep the island as civilized as possible. Piggy gave ralph the idea to blow the conch and try to call all the boys to one central location. While resting on the mountain he realized the conditions of himself and the other boys on the island: With the memory of his sometime clean self as a standard, Ralph looked them over.They were dirty, not with the spectacular dirt of boys who have fallen into mud or been brought down hard on a rainy day. Not one of them was an obvious subject for a shower, and yetâ€â€hair much too long , tangled here and there, knotted round a dead leaf or a twig; faces cleaned fairly well by the process of eating and sweating but marked in the less accessible angles with a kind of shadow; clothes, worn away, stiff like his own with sweat, put on, not for decorum or comfort but out of custom; the skin of the body, scurfy with brineâ€â€He discovered with a little fall of heart that these were to conditions he took as normal now and that he did not mind, (Golding 110). This realization from Ralph shows that he misses the rest of the world and that being shut off from the rest of the world gave him and even stronger need to try to restore civilization on the island. The island also symbolizes the struggle to hang on to the humanity of the island. Before the boys came to island the pigs had no real enemy that was known. The boys were the same way.When the boys were luckily landed on the island the pig’s predator became Jack and his hunters. It was easy for Jack to find his first pig but not as easy for him to kill it. The second time he carried out his task. As the story continues Jack has to go through different procedures and tricks in order to find a pig. He painted his face, he crawled around on the ground following a pig slide and pig droppings. He ends up killing pigs almost every day for the group. The pigs adapt to Jack’s ways and try to avoid him.When Jack killed the mother sow, the amount of humanity left on the island was in question. â€Å"Rodger found a lodgment for his point and began to push till he was leaning with his whole weight. The spear moved forward inch by inch†¦ ‘Right up her ass! ’†(Golding 135). The island was the most important symbol in the book. Without the island and the natural features of it then one may not think that the island could stand for anything other than an uninhabited graveyard for an assortment of young boys.In order to really see the significance of the island one needs to look closely at the events that happen and where they happen in the book. The island talked to the reader through the characters of the story. Each character represented a different trait of the island. Jack was the fear of the island, Piggy was the gentle side, Ralph was the firm part of the island, and Simon was the peace on the island. There are many other situations like this in many other stories, one just has to pay attention and open their eyes. References Golding, W. (1954). Lord of the Flies. Salisbury, England: Faber and Faber.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Political thinkers
Shocked by the scenario of the political events, which according to him was not how a state would exist and far from the idealist principles which he had sought. He especially was taken aback with the execution of Socrates in 399 BCC and which prompted him to turn to philosophy instead which he believed, â€Å"Was the only it could rescue human beings from civil war and political upheaval and provide a sound foundation for ethics and politics†. L Plato was a multi-dalliance's In the sense that In his writings metaphysics, epistemology, cosmology, philosophical study of the natural sciences, language and of the mind.Plato also founded his own Academy and also was its director. It was through this academy through which he was seeking to guide his students according to his philosophical principles pertaining to the various disciplines. With his academy, Plato taught various theoretical subjects like philosophy and mathematics which had various theories along with research work bu t was also involved in practical tasks of developing political constitutions where the kings sought his principles and morals for developing their states. He emphasized on creating an ideal and peaceful learning environment for his students. Alto's most famous work, â€Å"The Republic†is a prime example of an exemplary blend of thematic, philosophy, politics and natural sciences and basically all what his Academy represented. Plato died in the year 347 BCC. Plato was well ahead of his time in his teachings and therefore was accused of misguiding the youth with his ideas. He wrote â€Å"The Ideal State†and when this work was believed to be a Utopian concept, he wrote â€Å"The Second Best State†which was less rigid. This made him the first thinker or philosopher to write about the importance of governance in society.Plat's best works and writings were put down in his work, â€Å"The Republic†. This famous work of Plato has lasted through the ages due to the fact that it had three significant characteristics. The first is that of political philosophy which was method rejected in the times before Plato such as the well being of society, the theory of the state and individual by which he prescribed certain methods through which an individual needs to live his life according to certain guidelines to maintain equilibrium in society.The second characteristic which has ensured that this famous work has endured the test of time is that the Republic arrives at certain bold tenements and conclusions having major interest in its own way, which is independent of the merits of his theories as well as the arguments which augment them. The third characteristic is such that the Republic seeks to provide solid foundations across time periods to Justify its political theories and also elaborate the various theories and views stated by Plato such as education, physics metaphysics, etc.The best way to understand the philosophy of the Republic is by e xamining its core principles and there are three fundamental ones: 1 . â€Å"A political society constitutes a natural whole, with its own kind of excellence and well being†. Plato. 2 Plat's writings in the Republic are in stark contrast to those holding atomistic views which states that the a political society consists of a group of individuals who co-exist in harmony with cohesive characteristics or are hostile to each other.Plat's writings do not claim that his ideal society is superior to individual parts existing in society, nor does it have possession of an individual destiny with a separate set of goals. Plat's writings are somewhat in the balance between the two contrasting principles. His view of society is more of that of unity than many liberal minded thinkers would low. He argues that man and society are so similar that each has similar set of virtues. Even though Plato makes this statement, he does not contend that a society needs to contain people that are wise, courageous and Just or temperate.He preaches that society needs to be so set with its values that in itself it can be Just, even goes to the extent of stating that the virtues of a society are relatively easier to understand as they help us with the understanding of an individual. Plato even states that the actions of an individual with his opinions and attitude are the by reduces of the overall virtues of society and therefore has no existence without society. In the second book of the Republic, Plato mentions what exactly he means by justice.He states that Justice is founded based on the needs common to men and which the latter can satisfy only if there is co-operation among SST them by division of labor. This is where he states that every individual is gifted with a particular skill set such as a potter, shoemaker, etc. With this principle of specialization there becomes a need for soldiers and rulers. He states that in keeping with the principle of division f labor, gives ruler s the natural responsibility of caring for the co-operative whole of society.Their responsibility therefore includes caring for the society as it is their sole task and do work with determination towards what we believe is good for the overall betterment of society. Also the kings need to possess the kind of knowledge and understanding of not emphasizing on a particular aspect but rather on society as a whole. Along with these principles of a harmonious society, Plato also mentions about corrupt societies where the sight of the common good is lost and where individualistic interests prevail.Plato as we see above emphasizes on the importance of the creation of a society par excellence. This he states is possible when there is an agreement between all the sections within society about who governs, who fights, who provides for society major and so on. The basis of all of this is education and makes these goals attainable. Plato therefore very rightly states that societal Justice can be attained when the well being of not a particular group, but the whole of the society is secured.By this statement Plato does not mean the happiness quotient of he society which is the amount of happiness of the people but rather the well being of the whole of society is attained when the interest of no particular group dominates society whether the group consists of the rich or the aristocratic class. It would be wrong to say that Plato does not care about the individual in society. His concern for man in society is of a different nature as he believes that for man to progress and maintain harmony in society, the whole and not the individual should be taken into consideration.He even states that it is better rather for an individual to attain Justice n society than injustice for the entire society. This is an exception and this is where the well being of the individual prevails. Justice thereby forming a big part of his first principle in the Republic. 2. â€Å"A political society should look to its well being as a whole as an overriding aim:that is as an aim which, in cases of conflict, takes precedence over others. 3 This principle opposes the notion that whatever concerns the well being of an individual have natural, sovereign and inalienable rights given to them for their well being at the cost of society.It does not however contradict the claim that individuals within a society eve some influence and claim over it and this influence in a way is derived from society is in a way responsible for its well being. What we can derive from both of these statements is that there is a fine line between an individual's well being and that of society and a correct balance needs to be attained. Taking the example of to be a right which is essential for an individual, nor does he see in it the intrinsic worth by which it can be Justified.As stated earlier, everything is for the well being of society and is the same case with education as well. An individual according to Plato s trained for this very purpose till he attains 35 years of age (Tireless and dedicated service towards society). Plato also is a firm believer in the censorship of the arts as he believes that a child exposed to too much nudity or vulgarity in the arts during his/her formative years will have significant impact on the mind and in turn the society as a whole.Similarly, falsified stories about the after life and the gods need to be given the same treatment as this will have a negative impact on the future rulers and society as a whole. Plato emphasizes that those educated to rule can only be Euler to attain an ideally Just society. What Plato states with conviction that an unjust society is the result of haphazard governance consisting of people not having character required to run the administration as well as the prescribed education.Plato also states that he does does not believe that all of the rulers belong to the heredity class. He rather establishes that a child born of a ruler but lacking the quality of a ruler is not fit for the role of a king whereas a child of individuals not belonging to the aristocratic class but possessing all of the qualities fit for kingship can be appointed as the ruler. This writing of Plato is contradictory to the very grain of Plat's aristocratic upbringing but rather accords for the sovereignty of the common good of society.Other philosophers of his time ascribed men and women in society the right to marry and have children and own property, be truthful in political matters or be truthful in order to uphold virtue. Plato on the other hand, for the wider interest of society prevents his rulers from marrying, they are prevented from ownership of property, they are prescribed to consummate with women who the elders or the wise men select for them which meant that the â€Å"women with the best emetics†were chosen as this would produce superior offspring and once the child is born the ruler did not know about w ho his children are.This Plato believes is essential for societal Justice. In the Republic, the importance of Justice is mentioned and Justified multiple times. Plato states that those who are not rulers, future rulers and soldiers lead a much easier and freer life in the sense that they have no formal means of voting to influence the running of society. The rulers can move them as well as separate them from their families. The working class in society are not even allowed to make money as they please as even this aspect is decided by the ruler to prevent extreme accumulation of wealth and prevent poverty.Plato as we can see, places utmost trust in his rulers who he states go through a rigorous selection process and this makes him an embodiment of wisdom and knowledge. He can make decisions on what is right or wrong in society due to this wisdom. Plato states that the Philosopher king cannot make mistakes and he is well suited to take decisions thus making the Philosopher king the u ltimate power in society of course only by means of true Justice as mentioned earlier. . â€Å"What constitutes the well being of society is a matter of objective fact, discoverable by those who have the relevant ability and specialized training†. Plato. 4 Political claims for Plato are not questions of decision, convention or prescription. The facts which the rulers have to live up to. Plato always tried to back up his findings and the same goes with this principle. He tries to back up this principle with a theory. The explanation for this theory is as follows. First off are the cases in which the statements are true because it corresponds to the way the reality is which is basically he facts of the world and reality in general.Secondly, there are two kinds of statements which are possible in the world. First are those whose claims are contingent which means that the truth-values could have been different than what they really are and then there are those statements that are necessary where the truth-values could not have been different. Plato states that the the items which cannot be altered and certain aspects of reality are called â€Å"Forms†. They are intangible in nature and are the solid truth.Justice, virtue and goodness are examples of forms as they are capable of making changes towards the subject matter f necessary truths which cannot be manipulated or altered. What Plato ascribes in order for his theory to be applicable is that the task which the future rulers of the Greek city states need to fulfill is to become philosophers and in the sense put forth only by Plato. They need to acquire Forms such as Justice, courage, temperance and most of all goodness. The other classes in the society do not hold the training or virtue to have all of the Forms at once.Plato also wants his rulers to have a firm and confident grasp of these Forms after fifteen years of specialized training. The society and the world Plato agrees is constantly changi ng but the philosopher king should be able to apply his knowledge of the Forms to the ever changing world. Plato compares his Philosopher king to a mathematician as a mathematician is able to apply unalterable truths which is formula such as the circles, square and other geometrical terms to the ever changing figures which are to be seen in the physical world around.The philosopher king he believes would successfully be able to apply morals which cannot be altered and political formula which are the truths associated with Justice ND goodness to the ever changing behavior of men in society along with their imperfect affairs. The philosopher king has this quality and only he is entitled to rule. ANALYSIS OF PLAT'S THREE PRINCIPLES: Plat's first principle concerning the nature of society and how it concerns its own well being is likely to be rejected only by the most extreme political scholars.Plato does not in any way ascribe special status to society and hence it is hard to see this principle as excessive. What Plato is trying to explain is that, men are not separate or detached from society resembling the organs of the body which are together without avian any aims or purposes of its own or like the grains in a heap of sand. Plato states that men by nature are social animals and unlike other animals have evolved and survived with notable success due to these social characteristics. Even if the social characteristics of man are flawed, they can certainly be corrected through co- operation.He stresses on this co-operation and sometimes even over-stresses on this aspect by which he literally means division of labor. Plat's second principle requires a little more attention and discussion in which he states that a society's well being different school of thought hold the view that a society's well being is a goal which has to be pursued and at least needs to be part of society's many goals. The factor which prompts this view is that, the different interests of indi viduals clash and clash in such a way that it becomes impossible to resolve all of them.A moral principle therefore is needed to ease out the conflict in a manner which is Just and fair. The right answer to this distinct problem as stated earlier is the target of attaining maximum happiness for a maximum number of people. This principle though has a fundamental weakness. For example, the assumption of torture and killing of a few individual people will leading to societal happiness is Justified by Plato and this view has persuaded many philosophers to reject it.Society thereby should not be arranged in a way which would be advantageous to a certain group but rather the interest of all must be considered. This proposal is thereby less sharply defined by Plato and hence makes it difficult to be applied yet not impossible. This kind of consideration can be compared to that of a parent towards the family where they are not concerned with the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people, but rather on one hand it is ensured that none of the children are favored unduly and also providing a balanced distribution of goods among them.Regarding the restrictions placed on the rulers such as the denial of the right to marriage, ownership of property and living on only the basic needs required on a daily basis, it may seem like the denial of the right to life to a normal reader but Plato sees the wider picture here. He states that there are no restrictions on what might be done to secure the well being of society and Plato sees these denial of rights to the philosophers as moving towards the desired target. This makes us wonder of what Plato would imply to the statement made earlier about killing the innocent for the benefit of society.There are no signs in Plat's writings anywhere that he would accept any actions of such nature and Justify them and rather all of the evidence is contradictory. The big philosophical question though which remains here is th at whether or not would Plato himself succumb to his theoretical beliefs and therefore commit him to endorse these deeds. This principle certainly puts Plato in trouble. Having gone far as striping the rulers of their basic rights, what is it that is holding Plato back.The only obvious way open to him is to assert that built into his idea of the well being of society are certain fundamental components and one of the rules being that innocent men and women are not to be killed. The argument which arises from this principle. People have the natural right to freedom from torture and death and this contradicts the theory which puts forth that the philosopher king can go to any extent for the good of society and the ruler cannot be questioned as he has attained ultimate wisdom due to the rigorous training imparted to him.Therefore, in he one case the conclusion is drawn from considering the society and in the other the individual. What then of Plat's third principle of the declaration th at morals and politics being questions of objective, expert knowledge? Regarding discussions on fundamental political and moral issues, the language of objective assertion is used by philosophers and normal people as though they are speaking of matters of plain fact.Cases where men can make mistake, argue over these mistakes and make What is more is that, they cannot do without the notion of assumption since without t there is no discussion and then they are left with only professions of faith. Comparing with the complex issues of today's time such as nuclear warfare and abortion, there is a tendency to make the added assumption that to arrive there is a need for expertise as well as ability and there cannot be dependence of wit and intuition. Men and women in society need to have the required information but at the same time need to be educated to analyze problems and in assessing consequences.Now, if common assumption such as these mentioned above are justified, then Plato has a v ery good case for holding that morals are principles too re matters of objective fact as well being matters of expertise (The philosopher king). Plato though does not stop here and adds that people who are political and moral experts ought to be the righteous rulers of society. Also while discussing the democratic virtue in relation to Plato, two sets of arguments need to be distinguished which: 1 . That in the absence of Platonic philosophers, the concept of democracy is supported . 2.The concept of democracy being supported absolutely by philosophers and if such philosophers are to be had or not in society. It can be disputed that western models of constitutional models are in the best forms f political societies developed so far and that too in the absence of Platonic philosophers. Plato I believe would've allowed this to happen as it comes closer to his earlier stated goal of securing Justice for the whole and not for the individual. He would've conceded this solely on balance b y pointing out that the conduct of democracy towards society would be uniformly Just.Now coming to the discussion about Plat's Justification of non-acceptance of the concept of democracy, Plato through the Republic reminds us that it was this ideology which put Socrates to death Just because he initiated open discussions. Also he mentions that the same democracy had either enslaved or killed an entire population for not wishing to be part of Athens. It is for these very reasons that Plato would argue that democracies of today would be no match to his concept of the ideal society. Recent philosophers might argue that democracy's case rests with the ultimate sovereign worth of an individual.A person has the ultimate say on how he is governed and how he wishes to be governed without which the philosophers state that they would not be fulfilling heir duties as adults and hence would be no different from slaves and children. On the contrary, Plato would argue that he had not seeded to lo wer the status of man in society. While the modern philosopher sees the dignity of man in the fulfillment of self, Plato has always seen it as surrender of self Just for the betterment of the good of society.He believed that in spite of having philosophers to rule and give political expertise and contribute to administration, it would be foolish to argue that all individuals should be a part of administration and it is the same as saying that non- authentications should provide calculations for building bridges. All of these points however does not make the democrat any weaker, as he has no major worry yet. The reason being that even if the rulers in the Platonic society possessed the attributes of morals and virtues, it cannot be said with certainty that they wouldn't become oppressive and corrupt and thereby not favor sectional interests at all.Plato places individual in the administration turns out to be corrupt. Plato thereby in order to prevent such a scenario and maintain this foolproof system created by him believed hat education can go a long way in maintaining Plat's concept of the ideal society. The training lasts for fifteen long years involving morality and virtue along with ten academics and religion. An education with a combination containing all these aspects is very less likely to make a person corrupt.Plat's emphasis on religious training makes the biggest difference as a God fearing man wont be morally wrong and at the same time be virtuous therefore making his system extremely rigid. ARISTOTLE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Aristotle lifespan was the period which can be termed as the turn in the history of hilltop's out of which branched an independent discipline of politics. 5 He was born in the year 384 BCC in the village of Staggers in located in present day Central Macedonia which was one of HTH Greek city states. Aristotle is called the father of Political Science and is one of the most celebrated political thinkers.He was the first thinker to separate the discipline of philosophy from politics and this resulted in the birth of a new discipline of Political Science. He came up with the term of Greek city state of â€Å"Polis†and also invented the term politics. His father was the royal physician n the Macedonian Court and shared a good relationship Witt the King of Macedonia. As he was part of the aristocratic class, he was sent to Plat's academy in Athens for education at eighteen years of age. He spent close to twenty years in the academy and also taught there. Aristotle was heavily influenced by Plat's teachings and writings and he was his mentor.Aristotle though differed on some of Plat's teachings which I will highlight further in this paper. He returned to the Kingdom of Macedon in the year 343 BCC and he was appointed to run and lead the Royal academy of Macedon. At this period, he was also the private tutor of Alexander the Great. In the year 335 BCC, he came back to Athens and started his own academy by t he name of Lacey. Aristotle in his teachings whilst at his own academy wrote about different theories of nature and emphasized that for nature to function without any hindrance, change is certain.Aristotle unlike the other philosopher of his time, looked at nature from a different perspective. He like Plato believed in creating an ideal environment for learning and taught outdoors as believed that being close to nature is ideal for the overall growth of an individual. Aristotle was forced to flee Athens in the year 322 BCC when there was an uprising in Athens gains the Macedonian and as he had published many works supporting the history of Macedonian rule, it left him vulnerable to attack by the Athenians. He left for Above during the uprising and died in the same year.Aristotle like Plato was believed to be misguiding the youth with his ideas and teachings. What makes Aristotle unique is the fact that is to put forth that politics can be devoid of ethics, the complete opposite of P lato who emphasized a lot on ethics. Aristotle like Plato wrote about his win â€Å"Ideal State†which is a continuation of Plat's â€Å"Second Best State†. ARISTOTLE AND POLITY: The politics of Aristotle for the reader becomes intensely empirical at once and also factual knowledge throughout the ancient world known to the Greeks and he put all of this information together to guide action.He used political processes to guide people towards the right path and giving them a good life by following certain guidelines. These moral views laid down by Aristotle are expressed in his work the ‘Politics' and also on his other work ‘Noncompliance ethics'. Aristotle unlike Plato held hat moral views can be held by a person and known without the complete precision of mathematics or the physical and biological sciences. Living a good life is essential for the well being of man in society and such life can come into existence only when human capacities are developed to th e maximum.Put it simply, one has to feel and act in a way required for working towards a whole hearted commitment towards a well rounded life and this life should be truly moral and most importantly truly human. Aristotle describes this well living as ‘daemonic', slightly mistranslated as happiness. Well being can be a closer word for this term and he states that the ultimate of ethics and politics is to attain daemonic. Aristotle introduces his writings in the Politics with two key ideas: 1. The state is a community 2.The state is the highest among all communities, â€Å"Which embraces all the rest, aims for good in a greater degree than any other and at the highest good. 7 Aristotle considers the state to be a natural being and was the first thinker to consider it as a community. Aristotle also puts forth that the state is an instrument, a sort of mechanism and like machinery can be used to meet ends higher than itself. This view of Aristotle is called the ‘instrument alist' view of the state and which actually not invented by him but rather propounded by Sophists who lived a century before Aristotle.This view was however rejected by Plato and revived only by the modern thinkers such as John Locke, Jack Hobbes and John Dewey. The good life within the natural creation being the state can be achieved by whole heartedly acting in ways truly human. Aristotle states that to act in such a manner becomes a struggle for man and he can do so only with utmost pain and difficulty. He observed that young hillier are moved by instincts such as pleasure and pain. They need to trained so that they achieve acts of reason once they grow to be adults such as those of courage or cowardice.They can be trained to endure pain and agony and not to give in to every bodily desire so that everything falls into place and things come easily and naturally. Aristotle like Plato in this case states that education becomes an important element for grooming an individual by devel oping the right reason, the right desire and their harmony. Aristotle unlike Plato in his ideal state where he gives ultimate importance to the philosopher king gives great importance to laws. He states that for individuals, to do good to do good for themselves or others does not come naturally. Man lacks virtue and compulsion through law is therefore needed.In the Monomaniacs ethics, Aristotle states that people have the tendency to resent to things told to them by other people but no resentment is seen when law is enforced upon them. Aristotle states law to be reason which is unfazed by desires. The community: Aristotle difference in political thought to his mentor Plato becomes extremely clear hen he puts forth that the state is the highest form of association concerning man's family for example man reproduces himself; companionship is resolved when living in a village community; and it is only in the state that man realizes himself and his true worth particularly the highest par t of himself.Aristotle therefore does not make division of labor an essential component of society in his political thought but rather expresses that family is the lowest in the hierarchy of the society and man's biological appetites and material appetites are expressed within the family. A man's social sentiment of companionship and that of community is expressed in the bigger association of the village and then ultimately man's morality the quality which makes him most human is expressed and fulfilled in the state.Aristotle unlike Plato in his organic view of the state very clearly explains and expresses what are the implicit and explicit factors for society. He unlike his teacher Plato is unwilling to go as far as where he states that it is not necessary for the betterment of the society, that the happiness of the rulers as well as the ruled needs to be sacrificed. Aristotle is against he principle of excessive unity in the state which he anyways believes to be idealistic and not realistic and even if it is attained it should be rejected as he states that, â€Å"It would result in the destruction of the state†. Aristotle describes the role of Plat's guardian rulers as Just filling a vacuum and that the ideal state put forth by Plato merely contains two states in one with hostility emerging as tube most likely outcome due to the importance associated to the philosopher king. Aristotle in his concept of the origin of the state expresses that every state is a community of some kind and it s created with the intention of some good no matter what the methods used.Aristotle in his concept of politics states that when a ruler has a personal government that he referred to as a king and when according to the rules and principles of political science, then he referred Thomas a statesman. Aristotle tries to look at things in a scientific perspective and the state is no exception where he puts forth that different kinds of rules differ in different societies and it is essential to attain scientific information from them. Property: Aristotle theory of property is completely against Plat's theory of communism of repertory..Plato regarded property to be a hindrance to the proper functioning of the state as it blurred human thought process by encouraging the need for wants and, therefore, suggested the guardian class even though the rulers of society have no claim over any property in the entire city state. For Aristotle on the other hand, ownership of property provided psychological satisfaction to man as human beings he believes have the inherent instinct of possessing and owning property. It is the rightful claim of an individual to own property.Aristotle claims that if an individual goes not own property, then he won't learn the principle of generosity such as giving alms to the needy as well as the connect of hospitable treatment towards the oppressed class of society. What then is the use of moral and virtuous training as stated by Plato when it cannot be put into practice in the wider concept of society. Ownership of property leads to the creation of a good household as the family is society at the micro level and a happy and content family would ultimately lead to the creation of a better society as your needs get fulfilled. Ownership of property is s
Math History essays
Math History essays 1. Pythagoreans discover irrational numbers. 532 BC 3. Archimedes determines formulas for the area and volume of a sphere. 250 B.C. 4. Eratosthenes determines the circumferences of Earth. 5. Appollonius studies conic sections. 6. Al-Khowarizmi uses zero. 830 A.D. 7. Rudolff introduces the radical sign. 1525 A.D. 8. Tartaglia solves cubic equations. 1535 A.D. 9. Recorde introduces the equals sign. 1557 A.D. 10. Stevin introduces decimals. 1585 A.D. 11. Harriot introduces the inequality signs. 1610 A.D. 12. Napier invents logarithms. 1614 A.D. 13. Oughtred invents the slide rule. 1630 A.D. 14. Descartes creates analytic geometry. 1637 A.D. 15. Fermat leaves last theorem. 1647 A.D. 16. Pascal and Fermat discuss theory of probability in their correspondence. 1654 A.D. 17. Newton invents calculus. 1665 A.D. 18. Leibniz invents calculus. 1675 A.D. 19. Wallace introduces the symbol for infinity(Â ¥). 1685 A.D. 20. Saccheri writes Euclid Freed of Every Flaw. 1733 A.D. 21. Goldbach states famous conjecture. 1742 A.D. 22. Euler shows that epi + 1 = 0. 1748 A.D. 23. Agnesi writes foundations of Analysis. 1748 A.D. 24. Lambert proves p is irrational. 1768 A.D. 25. Argand graphs imaginary numbers. 1806 A.D. 26. Gauss determines the convergence of infinite series. 27. Godel publishes incompleteness theorems. 1831 A.D. 28. Galois writes about group theory. 1832 A.D. 29. Lovelace describes how to program Babbages Analytical Engine. 1842 A.D. 30. Riemann creates elliptic geometry. 1854 A.D. 31. Mobius strip is discovered. 1858 A.D. 32. Kovalevski is the first woman to earn a doctorate in mathematics. 1874 A.D. 33. Cantor creates transfinite numbers. 1895 A.D. 34. Whitehead and Russell write Principia Mathematica. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
John Haigh essays
John Haigh essays Murder is usually a very gruesome subject. However, it is also a very interesting subject, especially in the case of John Haigh who managed to evade the criminal justice system for many years on end. Although he was a murderer he was also one of the greatest criminal masterminds of all time. Haigh entered this world on the twenty fourth of July 1909. He was born into a religious family and grew up a content child. Everyone who knew him said he would grow up to be a perfect gentleman. However, as Haigh began to grow up he joined a gang of youths and appeared in court on several occasions. Finally, in 1934 he was sent to prison for theft. Being a man of optimism, Haigh viewed prison as a temporary setback, and vowed to gain knowledge during his time there that would be useful to him when his sentence ended. To fulfil his vow, he read many books and in one book came across a particular passage that intrigued him. The Passage was entitled Corpus Delicti and Haigh convinced himself, after reading the passage several times that murder could not be proved without a body. During the long months he spent in prison, he became positively obsessed with murder. Whilst in prison, he worked in the tin factory and obtained sulphuric acid from his workstation. He did this to test his theory on destroying an animal bone structure. Haigh believed that if he could entirely dissolve an animal bone structure there would be no body and therefore he could not be found guilty of murder. His unfortunate volunteers were the mice he caught in his cell. Sadly for five unsuspecting people he found his theory to be correct. When Haigh was released from prison, he had not lost his appetite for murder, quite the contrary. He immediately began demonstrating psychopathic behaviour. He came upon his fist victim by pure luck. He was William McSwan, a childhood friend of Haighs who had the misfortune of meeting Haigh in a ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Derivatives and Alternative Investments Assignment
Derivatives and Alternative Investments - Assignment Example First, if management understands about the corporation’s risks better than shareholders, the corporation, not its stakeholders, can hedge. Subsequent, corporation could be capable to hedge at a lower cost. Corporate hedging can be justified if default costs are significant, since it reduces the possibility of default (Johnson, 2010). Lastly, if the corporation encounters progressive taxes, it can decrease tax accountabilities by hedging which steady corporate earnings. To calculate the appropriate number of bonds and equity futures that should be sold the following are considered and done. Bond estimation is a technique used to establish the predictable trading price of a bond. The anticipated trading value is computed by adding the total of the current values of all coupon costs to the current value of the par value (Johnson, 2010). German federal state bonds with a minimum issuing volume of EUR 1 billion. FDAX = opening price 8,218.50 Low price 8,164.00 High 8,259.00 Daily s ettlement price 8,197.50 Bond face value = â‚ ¬ 1 000 000 000 Annual coupon rate = 3.723% Maturity in years = 1 year Market interest rate = 7.2% Future Bond Price = 3.723% * 1000 000 000 * 1-(1+7.2%)-10/7.2% + 1000000000/ (1+7.2%)10 =32,230,000*6.94 +1000000000/2.004 =223676200+499001996 =â‚ ¬ 722,678,196 Future Equity Present value = â‚ ¬50,000,000 Question 2 Interest rate swap amount = â‚ ¬5,000,000 Term: 5 year fixed rate payer The risks of the interest rate swap To explain the risks of the interest rate swaps position taken by the European asset manage the following are considered. In addition, the possibilities of hedging the scenario are also explained. Management decisions relating to a bank’s interest rate risk challenge should consider the risk or reward swap of interest rate risk positions. This is why the trade-off, in form of interest rate swaps, is necessary in this scenario (Corb, 2012). Management must compare the possible risk such as impact of unp leasant rate actions of an interest rate risk situation or approach against the possible reward (impact of positive rate movements).To assess the potential impact of interest rate danger on a corporation’s operations, a well-managed company will reflect on the affect on both its incomes (the profits or accounting viewpoint) and fundamental economic worth (the capital or economic perspective). Both perspectives must be evaluated to establish the full scope of a corporation’s interest rate risk vulnerability, particularly if the company has significant long-term or multipart interest rate risk positions (Corb, 2012). The current situation warranty interest rate swaps consideration so as to avert too much risk exposure. An interest rate swap is an accord by two entities(the European asset corporation and the central Bank) to swap or exchange floating rate interest compensations for fixed rate interest compensations and vice versa. It is significant for the European asset manager to appreciate that swaps are between corporations and not between personal investors; however, the outcome of these swaps may influence his/her job activities or the cost he/she may pay for a bond. The most ordinary kind of swap is a vanilla exchange in which fixed rate interest compensations are swapped for floating rate interest payments according to the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) (Corb, 2012). The London Interbank Offered Rate is the interest rate that financials institutions with high credit ratings from ratings organizations charge one another for
Friday, October 18, 2019
Social Studies Curriculum Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Social Studies Curriculum - Research Paper Example h the responsibility of ensuring that the curriculum emphasizes on the importance of having students who are committed to the ideas and values of democracy (Ross, 2006). Due to this, a learner should have a clear understanding of citizenship, an understanding of historical development and contemporary forms of power authority and governance. Learners are supposed to be familiar with the purposes and functions of the government; they are supposed to have clarity on the differences between democratic and non-democratic political systems. Therefore the curriculum developers should include topics that captivate the learner’s interest in public affairs and thus strengthen competencies of self governance through citizen participation experiences (Ross, 2006). This curriculum should encourage learners to be more interested in public affairs and also civic affairs hence making them to be more active members of the society rather than being passive. A student should be faced with the c hallenge of learning perspectives about local, national and international issues regarding politics (Ross, 2006). Therefore the curriculum developers are supposed to come up with a curriculum that will assess the learner too become a responsible citizen with the knowledge of the government, law and politics in order to make decisions about the relevant actions on politics (Ross,
Investment in Training Sales Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Investment in Training Sales - Essay Example In such a way, the responsiveness of the entity is exponentially increased; thereby impacting upon the overall bottom line that the firm might experience. 2) As with any complement of the business process, it is unreasonable to assume that the process of personal selling will not evolve with the changes in the market. One of the ways in which personal selling this change greatly within the past several years is with respect to the impact of the Internet and social media have had with regards to the traditional face to face personal selling that had previously been exhibited. However, it is likely to assume that as the Internet gains further access to the client base, personal selling will evolve even further and might necessarily encompass such nontraditional platforms as Skype, face time, or any other digital communication services. Whereas in-store communication between a sales associate and a prospective client, or cold calling has traditionally defined the role and extent that pe rsonal selling has exhibited in the past, it is unlikely that any level of a static definition will come to define personal selling within the very near future. 3) The sales manager should be intimately concerned with regards to the satisfaction of his/her respective salespeople. The reason for this is quite obvious. Due to the fact that the salesperson is the point person with which the client interacts, this is oftentimes the only chance that any firm or entity has to engage a sense of understanding and/or appreciation for their particular business model and/or brand. Within such an understanding, it becomes plainly obvious that the importance of a satisfied and happy sales staff is interval to reflecting a positive first impression to the consumer. One does not need to briefly reference the horror stories of past experiences that they might have had concerning a disgruntled are a thoroughly disgusted employee to reflect back on the way in which this experience tarnished the image of the brand/store and further discouraged integration with such a business in the future.
Switzerland Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Switzerland - Research Paper Example Depiction and Delineation Switzerland is considered to be one of those exceptional countries that are found to be the richest nations by both their economy as well as their beauty. This federal republic is situated in the heart of Europe (Middle Europe) and has been circumscribed by countries including Austria, Germany, Italy, and Liechtenstein. The foundation of Switzerland is an outcome of the concordance of people with diverse racial, cultural and religious origins. This fact reveals the secret of diversity observed throughout this country. It was established as an independent state by the Federal Constitution in 1848. Several great and notorious places are fancied by tourists including the Matterhorn, the Eiger, and the Jungfrau for their exclusive allurement subsumes French, Germans and Italians respectively. The major languages which are being used in Switzerland as national languages include French, German, Italian, and Romansh. However, Romansh does not equally match the stat us of other three languages. The hallmark souvenirs of this country are found to be the Swiss cheese and Swiss chocolate. Commerce and Industries Switzerland is found to be one of those exclusive countries that have the most stable economies in the world and has remained a leading financial and business hub. Along with the stability of its own economy, it has also been proved to be a safe harbor for financiers and business groups. The country has served as a safe heaven not only for depositors, but also for investors to place their funds in different businesses. On the basis of this, it is found that the country’s economy, holistically, is based mainly upon foreign investments. There are various kinds of industries which attract entrepreneurs for business progression (Robinson & Schweizer, 2006). The principal industries running in Switzerland are in the manufacturing sector producing either raw material or finished products, or they are involved in producing innovative high quality finished goods, for instance, watches. After manufacturing industries, industries for machineries and chemicals are dominant over other industries by rank. One of the chief as well as the oldest industries found in Switzerland is the food processing industry embodying processed cheese, condensed milk, baby food and, most substantially, the Swiss chocolate products. They are followed by another oldest industrial sector – the textile industry which is found to be mandatory for raw fabrics. However, the paper and plastic industry has also gained substantial elevation in the commerce of Switzerland. If skimmed economically, then Switzerland has achieved the honor to be one of the economic countries with topmost revenues along with the least rate of retrenchment (Switzerland, 2013). Government The government of Switzerland is considered to be divided into three principal levels: †¢ The Confederation. †¢ The Cantons. †¢ Communes. The Confederation, which is a lso been termed as the federal government, principally deals with the administration of taxes, customs, army, foreign relations, lawmaking of currency, and confederacy communication. The government comprises seven associates possessing comparable rights, and each of them is considered to be foremost in their respective departments. However, decisions are supposed to be adjudicated by voting of the seven members. Nevertheless, these associates are not considered permanent as they are customarily reinstated after four years by the Federal
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Case study analysis of a vertebral condition for mobilisations Essay
Case study analysis of a vertebral condition for mobilisations - Essay Example One likely cause of lower back pain is sprains of the muscles at that point. A sprain is basically a ‘pulled’ muscles. This can typically resolve itself in a period of not less than two weeks but the same should not go over four weeks (Petty & Moore, 2001). This thus means that if the pain is to go over four weeks, then an intervention should be through through and put in place. According to Petty and Moore (2001), symptoms of sprains includes minor ache but sometimes this may lead to a debilitating pain. However, Nordin & Frankel (2003) notes that it is unlikely that the pain which comes as a result of spraining a muscle will be felt far from the location of the muscle. In essence, such a pain tends to be localized. Therefore, the intermittent side in the lumbar region to the left side of lower back may be as a result of muscle sprain. However, such a pain is not expected to spread to the buttock as is the case. The intervertebral disc in the lumbar region helps absorb compressive forces, in the process creating a space for spinal nerves to leave the spinal column (Nordin& Frankel, 2003). In the event excessive compressive pressure is placed on the disc, sometimes tears can occur in the disc. The force of the jelly put on the tears can lead the disc tearing at that point. In some cases, the disc can ruptured at the point of the tear. Disc problems like this makes the disc vulnerable to compression as the player takes various swings in the process of playing, and this results into the pain. Unlike pain caused by muscle sprain, this type of pain can radiate into the buttocks and the legs (Muscolino, 2009) and may be the cause of pain being felt into the buttocks. Thus, to conclude, the two types of pain being felt by this particular player may be as a result of both a muscle sprain in the lower back region and a disc
Foster Care for Children Speech or Presentation
Foster Care for Children - Speech or Presentation Example A5.Independent former foster youth between the ages 18 and 21 are eligible to receive certain medical benefits to which they are legally entitled and desperately need. Research has shown that independent former foster youth have acute health care needs. I strongly feel that given these health care needs, it is appropriate that under current law, these youth are eligible for Medi-Cal by virtue of their status as former foster youth. Despite their eligibility, however, these former foster youth are required to fill out Medi-Cal eligibility forms as a prerequisite to getting the health care services to which they are entitled. It does not make moral or fiscal sense for the state to spend scarce dollars and staff hours making these former foster youth fill out Medi-Cal paperwork since they cannot, by law, be refused eligibility. As a result of this current practice, these foster youth risk losing their medical care when they incorrectly fill out their forms, forms are sent to the wrong a ddresses, or where there are other paperwork delays. A6. According to the California Blue Ribbon Commission on Children in Foster Care, courts are responsible for the safety and well-being of children who have been removed from their homes as a result of abuse or neglect. In 2007, there were nearly 80,000 children in foster care, more than 75 percent of whom entered placement as a result of neglect. Half of the children entering foster care in California are age five or under. Domestic violence, substance abuse, and mental illness are factors that contribute to the removal of children from their homes. Q7. What is the cultural background of the majority of the children under foster care What percentage of the children in the State belongs to this category A.7. African-American children constitute seven percent of the state's child population but are more than 30 percent of the children in foster care. Native American children are 0.84 percent of the state's child population but represent 1.41 percent of the children in foster care. Youth who "age out" of foster care often leave the system ill-prepared to live as adults, and face a significantly increased risk of unemployment, homelessness, mental illness, and involvement with the criminal justice system. Q8. Why would the former foster children have special medical needs A 8. While the children are moved out of their own homes to avoid exposure to unpleasant conditions, there is
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Switzerland Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Switzerland - Research Paper Example Depiction and Delineation Switzerland is considered to be one of those exceptional countries that are found to be the richest nations by both their economy as well as their beauty. This federal republic is situated in the heart of Europe (Middle Europe) and has been circumscribed by countries including Austria, Germany, Italy, and Liechtenstein. The foundation of Switzerland is an outcome of the concordance of people with diverse racial, cultural and religious origins. This fact reveals the secret of diversity observed throughout this country. It was established as an independent state by the Federal Constitution in 1848. Several great and notorious places are fancied by tourists including the Matterhorn, the Eiger, and the Jungfrau for their exclusive allurement subsumes French, Germans and Italians respectively. The major languages which are being used in Switzerland as national languages include French, German, Italian, and Romansh. However, Romansh does not equally match the stat us of other three languages. The hallmark souvenirs of this country are found to be the Swiss cheese and Swiss chocolate. Commerce and Industries Switzerland is found to be one of those exclusive countries that have the most stable economies in the world and has remained a leading financial and business hub. Along with the stability of its own economy, it has also been proved to be a safe harbor for financiers and business groups. The country has served as a safe heaven not only for depositors, but also for investors to place their funds in different businesses. On the basis of this, it is found that the country’s economy, holistically, is based mainly upon foreign investments. There are various kinds of industries which attract entrepreneurs for business progression (Robinson & Schweizer, 2006). The principal industries running in Switzerland are in the manufacturing sector producing either raw material or finished products, or they are involved in producing innovative high quality finished goods, for instance, watches. After manufacturing industries, industries for machineries and chemicals are dominant over other industries by rank. One of the chief as well as the oldest industries found in Switzerland is the food processing industry embodying processed cheese, condensed milk, baby food and, most substantially, the Swiss chocolate products. They are followed by another oldest industrial sector – the textile industry which is found to be mandatory for raw fabrics. However, the paper and plastic industry has also gained substantial elevation in the commerce of Switzerland. If skimmed economically, then Switzerland has achieved the honor to be one of the economic countries with topmost revenues along with the least rate of retrenchment (Switzerland, 2013). Government The government of Switzerland is considered to be divided into three principal levels: †¢ The Confederation. †¢ The Cantons. †¢ Communes. The Confederation, which is a lso been termed as the federal government, principally deals with the administration of taxes, customs, army, foreign relations, lawmaking of currency, and confederacy communication. The government comprises seven associates possessing comparable rights, and each of them is considered to be foremost in their respective departments. However, decisions are supposed to be adjudicated by voting of the seven members. Nevertheless, these associates are not considered permanent as they are customarily reinstated after four years by the Federal
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Foster Care for Children Speech or Presentation
Foster Care for Children - Speech or Presentation Example A5.Independent former foster youth between the ages 18 and 21 are eligible to receive certain medical benefits to which they are legally entitled and desperately need. Research has shown that independent former foster youth have acute health care needs. I strongly feel that given these health care needs, it is appropriate that under current law, these youth are eligible for Medi-Cal by virtue of their status as former foster youth. Despite their eligibility, however, these former foster youth are required to fill out Medi-Cal eligibility forms as a prerequisite to getting the health care services to which they are entitled. It does not make moral or fiscal sense for the state to spend scarce dollars and staff hours making these former foster youth fill out Medi-Cal paperwork since they cannot, by law, be refused eligibility. As a result of this current practice, these foster youth risk losing their medical care when they incorrectly fill out their forms, forms are sent to the wrong a ddresses, or where there are other paperwork delays. A6. According to the California Blue Ribbon Commission on Children in Foster Care, courts are responsible for the safety and well-being of children who have been removed from their homes as a result of abuse or neglect. In 2007, there were nearly 80,000 children in foster care, more than 75 percent of whom entered placement as a result of neglect. Half of the children entering foster care in California are age five or under. Domestic violence, substance abuse, and mental illness are factors that contribute to the removal of children from their homes. Q7. What is the cultural background of the majority of the children under foster care What percentage of the children in the State belongs to this category A.7. African-American children constitute seven percent of the state's child population but are more than 30 percent of the children in foster care. Native American children are 0.84 percent of the state's child population but represent 1.41 percent of the children in foster care. Youth who "age out" of foster care often leave the system ill-prepared to live as adults, and face a significantly increased risk of unemployment, homelessness, mental illness, and involvement with the criminal justice system. Q8. Why would the former foster children have special medical needs A 8. While the children are moved out of their own homes to avoid exposure to unpleasant conditions, there is
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