Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Education For Cure Poverty Education Is Not Only A...
Education to Cure Poverty The importance of education on today’s youth is ever-growing and extremely prevalent in our society. Education is not only a necessary government responsibility, but it is also a way to get children out of poverty and lead them into whatever sort of career path they would like to pursue. Many children in poverty find themselves struggling with receiving their education due to under-resourced schools and lack of money (Strauss). Due to these poorly funded schools and areas of poverty, students have found themselves unable to graduate from high school, and this keeps them contained to their poverty-stricken neighborhoods. Due to this problem, the general education development test, or GED, was started as a program set-aside for students who were not quite able succeed, for whatever various reasons, in a traditional school environment. These students are now able to earn a degree and receive equal benefits as those who actually graduated high school. Oft entimes, the lack of income coming through African-American and Hispanic households has been said to be the reason for low education rates amongst these groups of people (Strauss). The lack of education opportunities in more poverty-stricken areas has caused violence, crime rates, and a continuation of the growth of poverty. Without equal education opportunities and proper schooling in these areas, incarceration and crime rates continue to increase. Due to these issues, adults are unable to find jobsShow MoreRelatedWhat are Morals and Ethics?963 Words  | 4 Pagesmorals and to always be ethical. One of the most controversial ethical and moral dilemmas is the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. This is said to be one of the most morally wrong incidents done by the United States’ government ever. President Clinton was quoted saying, â€Å"The United States government did something that was wrong – deeply, profoundly, morally wrong. It was an outrage to our commitment to integrity and equality for all our citizens†¦ clearly racist.†Even president Clinton thought these actionsRead MoreThe Welfare Policies And Welfare Programs1232 Words  | 5 Pagespayments, rather than an undetermined amount of federal funds given to the states. The states are also given the responsibility of deciding who is eligible for welfare and for what amount of time, though federal funds can only be provided for five years of benefits over the lifetime of the recipient. Women currently have very few options when it comes to working and caring for their children. The next section of this paper will discuss the welfare policies aimed at alleviating the struggle of womenRead MoreTV Series Unnatural Causes: A Review1743 Words  | 7 Pagescloser look into the hearts of the monkeys indicate damages from chronic stress, a heart attack. Individual Responsibility verses Social Determinants. 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In efforts of the government, the Welfare ReformRead MoreThe Devastation of Poaching in Africa Essay1614 Words  | 7 PagesPlanet Earth is the one and only home for humans, and it’s their natural duty to protect it and all of its inhabitants. For many people, the fate of animals is of little importance, especially when there are so many of their own species suffering throughout the world. However, only when one has respect for nature can he or she come to appreciate for his or herself. In the past few decades, some animals have progressively come clo ser and closer to extinction. When compared to demographics 30 yearsRead MoreExploitation of Teenagers as Reflected in Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable and Coolie4079 Words  | 17 Pagesof illiteracy in India, domestic violence, communalism, injustice, crime against children, unemployment in India, suppression of human rights, poverty. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
The Gun Control Debate in America - 1159 Words
GUN CONTROL DEBATE IN AMERICA Gun control has become a very hot topic of contention in America today. What seems to echo here are two words: â€Å"guns†and â€Å"crime†, in a sense that are these words mutually exclusive to each other? Does the use of guns ultimately lead to crime? On the flip side, have the laws in America restricting firearm use been effective enough to protect the lives of the citizens? These are some of the questions that strike the hearts of many when the gun control debate music is played. However, the debate about gun control is not new. Guns as we know them to be are very powerful and dangerous weapons. They are instruments that can be used to inflict severe harm and can even lead to death. However, amidst this fact of†¦show more content†¦Flowing from my analogy about the big pot, I would like to further present the American context that as we know has two main political ideologies, the republicans and the democrats. On one hand, history has shown that the republicans have for a long time supported the pro gun movement. The reason is because of their intrinsic nature of conservatism, and the fact that they are backed by the national rifle association which happens to be a key player in this debate. On the other hand, Democrats are known to be supporters of the gun control debate. This is because of the increased sale in guns after the 9/11 attacks; hence, they try to cavers on the issue. In this regard, it seems notable that the republicans are on the front row. Now, from my little knowledge of political philosophy, government as a concept refers to a constituted body that helps to keep and protect the basic rights of its citizens, and also to make laws that ensure that everyone in the society is safe. Therefore, the gun control issue cannot be over emphasized for the American government or any other government on a larger scale. One of the questions surrounding the gun control debate in America is to ascertain whether or not the second amendment grants the freedom of firearm ownership to common citizens. The amendment however, seems to support the possession of firearm by the militia. The social perspective has to do with the citizens and the society. In this regard,Show MoreRelatedGun Control Debate Throughout Contemporary America1725 Words  | 7 PagesGun Control Debate in Contemporary America Introduction The gun control debate has dominated US history, and it has been a controversial issue in itself considering that the right to bear and keep arms is one among the few bitterly divisive issues of American constitutional law. The Second Amendment is significant in this debate, providing the basis upon which those supporting robust gun regulation as fundamental, collective, and civic right and in particular its preamble concreting the usefulnessRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control Essay1520 Words  | 7 PagesGun Control in America Introduction It is impossible for one as an America citizen not to weigh in on the recently reignited gun control debate. As a matter of fact and of necessity, at the very least, this particular debate concerns and encompasses social, moral, and legal issues of fundamental significance to the American way of life. The reigniting of the gun debate in America is perhaps personified by the 2012 theater mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado, whereby as Krouse (2012) states, at leastRead More Gun Control: Opposing the Removal of Guns from American Citizens1588 Words  | 7 PagesBecause of many incidents involving handguns, and any other type of gun, the government has been trying to push a gun ban law. As a result of this rumor and possible law, there have been numerous outbursts of support and resistance. Some people believe that banning firearms would be a benefit to our nation’s safety and its population’s safety, while others oppose this proposal and say that guns are not the one s that need to be controlled, people should be the ones that are controlled. During thisRead MoreGun Control Debate On The United States1065 Words  | 5 PagesThe gun control/gun control debate is a hot topic in the United States and all over the world. It leaves us asking questions. Do guns have a negative effect on the United States? What happens if the US gets rid of guns forever? Will it make crime rates fizzle out? Would it lead to chaos and total anarchy or would crime rates go down? These are some of the questions that led to the profound debate on gun rights and gun control. Gun control in the United States is understood as the government s regulationRead MoreThe Second Amendment vs Gun Control Essay1520 Words  | 7 Pagespeople find this statement to be ridiculous. Gun control is thought of as a government policy or regulations to control or limit the sale and use of firearms. In the U.S. constitution, the 2nd Amendment states that a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Inside America today, gun control is a major issue, especially in the political arena. People debate on the daily that not all things in societyRead MoreNo More Gun Control Needed1281 Words  | 6 PagesNo More Gun Control Needed The debate of whether or not the government should ban the sell of guns, and attempt to remove all guns in existence has been debated for a long period of time; I believe that banning guns is not only implausible, it will do more harm than good. In this essay, I’ll be discussing the history of this debate, as well as discuss some misinformation that’s been proposed by those wishing to ban guns. I’ll also discuss how guns do not turn ordinary, law abiding citizens intoRead MoreGun Control in America758 Words  | 4 PagesNathan 3/30/08 Gun Control in America Ever since the days of the pioneers, firearms have been an element of the American tradition as defense and a means of hunting or activity. As we progress through the 21st century the use of guns has changed significantly. The reason that the use of the gun is changing is fast and steady increase in crime and the battle for the right to have possession of a hand gun, the introduction of legislation for gun control, to try to decrease the felony in theRead MoreGun Rights And Gun Control994 Words  | 4 PagesIn recent times, gun control is becoming a social issue in the US after the many incidents or accident happened related to the gun owner’s kill’s people at the social places. Gun rights means the every person have right to take or carry guns for their self protection is created controversial issue related to criminal justice that needed the requirement for the gun control to stop people from killing each other. Moreover, on 2 Dec, 2015, two suspects those opene d fire in a California social serviceRead MoreGun Control Is Necessary, And Delay Means More Death And Horror1305 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"Yes, people pull the trigger - but guns are the instrument of death. Gun control is necessary, and delay means more death and horror.†This was written by the former New York Governor, Eliot Spitzer, just after the 2012 shooting in Oak Creek Wisconsin. Because I agree with Spitzer, I would like to affirm the resolution which states Resolved: In the United States, private ownership of handguns ought to be banned. For simplicity in the debate today, I would like to offer the following definitions:Read MoreEssay on A Well Regulated Militia by Saul Cornell1495 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States is a country that has problems with gun control, and this issue has many debates between whether or not people should be allowed to carry a gun on them. This free county not only for speech and religion, but also allows people to have the right to bear arms. The Second Amendment of the United States was written by our Founding Fathers,â€Å"A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed†(Government)
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on the Delivery System Free Essays
If you are in the healthcare industry, you have probably heard some rumblings about the Health Care Reform of 2010, coolly referred to as Affordable Care Act, or Obama care. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was enacted by the United States Congress and signed by President Barack Obama. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) became public law in March 23, 2010. We will write a custom essay sample on Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on the Delivery System or any similar topic only for you Order Now The health care reform was enacted with the goals of â€Å"increasing the quality and affordability of health insurance, lowering the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage, and reducing the costs of healthcare for individuals and the government†(Frost and Sullivan, 2011). The law is passed by US congress provide universal access to healthcare, control the rising costs of healthcare, regulate the private insurance industry through online marketplace and improve the quality of healthcare. The purpose is to â€Å"make healthcare choices more consumers friendly and easier to understand. It is intended to make sweeping changes to healthcare in the United States†(White, 2013). The law also â€Å"requires insurance companies to cover all applicants within new minimum standards and offer the same rates regardless of pre-existing conditions or sex. Additional reforms aimed to reduce costs and improve healthcare outcomes by shifting the system towards quality over quantity through increased competition, regulation, and incentives to streamline the delivery of healthcare†(Monheit, 2010 ). The Congressional Budget Office projected that â€Å"the ACA will lower both future deficits and Medicare spending†however upheld â€Å"the law in promoting strategies and solutions to encourage health care reform that lowers cost, improves quality, and expands access to health care†(CBO, 2013). According to U. S Chambers of Commerce, â€Å"the United States spends $2. 7 trillion a year on health care. More than 170 million Americans receive health insurance through voluntary, employer-sponsored plans. The government was on the hook for $38. 6 trillion in unfunded liabilities for Medicare in 2011 as a result of the entitlements created by the health care reform law†(U. S. Chambers of Commerce, 2013). For the purposes of this research, it may be a good idea to have a common understanding of the recent legislation and Health Care Reform Act. I plan to highlight its impact on the delivery system at Montefiore Medical Center, thoroughly discussing its effect on access, cost and quality, with special focus on how the recent legislation and health care reform will affect the health care facility. Montefiore Medical Center is a health care facility which is covered by the Health care reform. Health care reform compliance at Montefiore Medical Center is a central concern of their delivery system. The health care reform is a law that needs continuous regulation. Montefiore Medical Center and other health care facilities such as private clinics, home healthcare providers and small healthcare associated businesses, are in a prime position to comply with the healthcare reform, and the law must ensure that these healthcare institutes are rigorously controlled, and are in compliance of the affordable care act. The Healthcare reform and all its provisions are already making the facility â€Å"find new ways to increase facility efficiency, better manage care and streamline costs†(Montefiore. org, 2012). One item the facility is focused on is renovating to cut down on operating expenses because of the impact of the healthcare reform. In a study by Amadeo Kimberly (2013) about access to healthcare on the delivery system found that â€Å"more than 600,000 new young people became insured as of May, taking advantage of the Act’s provision that children up to age 26 could be covered by their parents’ insurance.†Rather than â€Å"employer-sponsored insurance offering the sole source for guaranteed issue insurance, coverage for preexisting conditions, and generally affordable coverage,†(Geyam, 2012) many employees may have alternative sources of coverage through expansion of Medicaid eligibility or premium subsidies through the state or federal exchanges. A report by economic experts at the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) noted that â€Å"the health care remake will achieve the aim of expanding health insurance – adding 34 million Americans to the coverage rolls†(HHS, 2013). This shows that on the potential positive side of the health care reform, there would be a continuous increase in access to healthcare. This increases â€Å"profits for the insurance companies, which should translate to lower premiums, since the new insures pay into the system but require fewer health services†(Kimberly, 2013). Geyam (2012) observed that â€Å"the healthcare reform will extend insurance coverage by 32 million people by 2019 (including 16 million on Medicaid); Will provide subsidies starting in 2014 to help many lower-income people afford coverage; will eliminate cost-sharing for many preventive services; will provide new funding to increase the capacity of community health centers; will put in place some limited reforms of the insurance industry, such as prohibiting exclusions based on pre-existing conditions and banning annual and lifetime limits; and will establish a new non-profit Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute charged with assessing the relative outcomes, effectiveness and appropriateness of different treatments. †As a result, millions of previously uninsured people will soon have access to healthcare, causing an increase in the number of potential patients requesting treatment from healthcare facilities such as Montefiore Medical Center. Healthcare costs are expected to â€Å"rise 7. 5 percent in 2013, even with healthcare reform,†according to a study by Price water house Coopers (2012). The Affordable Care Act focuses â€Å"more on getting people insured than on lowering costs overall,†says Jeff Munn, vice president of benefit policy development at Fidelity (2013), â€Å"But it’s going to take a while to see if those provisions work,†he says.. Another analysis by Barina (2013), also found that â€Å"the law falls short of the goal of controlling runaway costs, rising projected spending by about 1 percent over 10 years. That increase could get bigger, however, since the report also warned that Medicare cuts in the law may be unrealistic and unsustainable, forcing lawmakers to roll them back†(p. 18). The rapidly rising costs of health care keep going up unabated. Under the health care reform, the market still rules on prices. The cost of health care will increase by about â€Å"20 percent because of new technology and new initiatives†(Wright, 2010). In addition, analysis by both the Congressional Budget Office and the CMS actuary shows that â€Å"the health care reform will substantially reduce the federal deficit, only slightly increase national medical spending (despite an enormous expansion in insurance coverage), begin to reduce the growth rate of medical spending, and introduce various new initiatives that may lead to more fundamental reductions in the long-term rate of health care cost growth†(CBO CMS, 2010). The health care reform will not solve our health care cost problems, but it is a historic and cost effective step in the right direction. It will introduce a range of payment and delivery system changes designed to achieve a significant slowing of health care cost growth. Throughout the health care reform debate, consumers and providers alike at Montefiore Medical Center and other healthcare facilities asked how they would be affected by the new law. Given how many types of facilities make up the delivery system, it is likely that the effects of reform will not fix all problems. Any â€Å"hospitals that have historically provided more care to uninsured patients is likely to gain the most in terms of revenue increases for the mostly uncompensated care they have been providing to these patients†(Berenson and Zuckerman, 2010). The Healthcare providers in the hospital and other healthcare facilities understand that their former ways of doing business are bound to change because of the healthcare reform. As observed by Berenson Zukerman (2010) â€Å"the introduction of new, marginal incentives is designed to move in the direction of rewarding better performance. †In this way, there is a modest move in the direction of paying for value rather than volume. As indicated by Cutler David (2013), â€Å"the law begins to change how providers are paid and care is delivered, so that they are rewarded not for the volume of services they provide but for the value they offer. †Of greatest effect is the expectation that future provider revenues will have less to do with patient volumes and more to do with clinical outcomes, quality and cost efficiency. Most hospitals will likely benefit financially because of the coverage expansions. â€Å"Providers that get good results for their patients and keep costs in check stand to be rewarded with performance bonuses, shared savings and other revenue enhancements†(Monheit, 2010). Those providers that fail to do these things can expect financial penalties which will affect revenues and ultimately tarnish a provider’s credit profile. â€Å"Accountable care may still be gestational in most areas of the nation, but the concept appears to be taking hold and will eventually replace large portions of our existing fee-for-service system†(Berenson Zukerman, 2010). Moreover, the health care reform will also call for more care to be provided outside of the hospitals with specific provisions focusing on increasing the quality of preventative care. This will likely result in a major rise in demand for ambulatory, or outpatient care. At the same time, Montefiore Medical Center and other hospital care facilities will shift a greater focus on critical care patient. In conclusion, the health care reform, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare, may make some marginal gains in the area of access, cost and quality, but will not remedy all access, cost and quality problems in the health care delivery system. Experts also believe the added demand of the health care reform will mean a major increase in job openings within the healthcare industry. Some predict as many as â€Å"250,000 to 400,000 jobs annually over the next ten years – as well as an increase in scope and location of available jobs†(Katz, 2013). For example, hospitals like Montefiore Medical Center will be staffing more critical care nurses while registered nurses and other patient care positions may have more opportunities at outpatient sites, such as clinics or other non-critical medical facilities. The health care reform changes are right around the corner and subsequently there will likely be a lot of transformation happening in the healthcare delivery system over the next few years. How to cite Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on the Delivery System, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Topic in Information Technology Ethics †Free Samples for Students
Question: Discuss About the Topic in Information Technology Ethics? Answer: Introducation The reflect struggle regarding framework predominantly on the web neutrality is revealed significant and in the new-fangled strategy that has likely the concerns those were being established in a good way, uprightly and commercially structures. The inspections in viewpoint of the lack of frameworks preference and its analyses has exposed procedure for the areas like, companies, clients whoever struggles for developing the evidence as well as the verdicts which were sensible and jittery by directing, plan of game, organization, development as well as employing of establishments that depends on the system (Maill, P., Simon and Tuffin, 2016). The allied aspect considered in hypothetical theories is vital for enquiring of finishing off the vacuum and also to strike amendment within the interest of fighting. "Mastermind fair-mindedness" is believed to be the acknowledgment of the unbiased that verified the absence of the affiliation arrangement, i.e. mechanical, electrical, or even instructive consent the diagnosing authentication of specific social issue of sections which is supposed to be the bit of structure. Similarly, it can aggravate the outcomes that is assumed to be the result for a course. It is definite and is made due with the class of practices for making on the regulatory to ease the development for playing on arena (Krammer, Wieworra Weinhardt, 2013). For actions, P2P, or other detached applications of software are believed as tools which are proficiently allocating as well as assigning impenetrable data amount as the data are meant for developing frequent connection in another parallel way as well as obstinately movement of data over the connections which is likely for every instant. At the level of Internet Service Provider, the utilization of a wide-ranging amount of the accessible broadcast obligesparticularly of the upstream oneis the charge remunerated for alike revenue. The P2P clienteles are perhaps planned dwindling the lobby in location of a separating that cannot be broken down mainly the P2P links when unique clients start to ensue through spectacular isolating association or when the regulatory bodies en route for twist up beyond question crowded (Valletti et al., 2016).A small number of P2P clienteles consume significant actions of the ISP position resources, and when the determinations of maneuvering are worn out, d issimilar clienteles of an adjacent communication start experiencing revenue disparagement. A perfect measurement of absence for tendency is uselessly abrasive, making it tough to involve one to remove among the two depictions of situations, whereas a frail one entails other standardizing standard eliciting a conclusive ambition to work out this specified segment (Dom?a?, Wjcik Jajszczyk, 2015). Bearing a trivial is considered to be absent of web for inclination through which two or more Web segments are made during its function while considering all things within account for explanation, is a method for managing and observing the limited level for prospect of non-partisanship. Ineffective hindrance of web is a punishable offence as well as on ordeal protection with the help of more grounded theory, related mostly to most of the condition and offering the possibility of confining practical as well as un-called for utilization of web (Cohen-Almagor, 2015). According to the theory of Utilitarianism, an unopposed internet is dreadfully essential for potential purpose of it, the media as well as for overall individuals. Even though trying for assisting the highest number of people, a utilitarian may control on approach of consequentialism. He certainly will approve by progress that internet is vast system having wide scope. For such status, if ISP uses their market strength for benefiting themselves over billions of people will go against this Utilitarianism development, the theory of gaining benefit by a varied advantage and his location will upkeep the permissibility of Web (Pivato, 2014). Open Internet offers resolutions needed to a farfetched maximum number of individual. Open Internet provides suitable supply for knowledge eas well as capable structures for communication. Individuals who are Utilitarian will fight that sensibility of internet aids various people making use of dissimilar associations on internet (Minano et al., 2015). However, the Deontologist theory in internet equality assumes no withdrawal. On other side, many people back for having normal of unrestricted internet then saying "no segregation". Moreover, due to event that many people are against regulation on having unrestricted internet for being autonomous. Due to such circumstance, position of dentologist is respected for decorum of internet. Unrestricted internet is on the subject of equal admittance for internet (Aldana, 2015). Broadband carriers should not be permitted for utilizing their imperativeness of market to entice contesting programs. Using method of 'Immovable Goal' the deontology will encounter the event where one individual can dependably isolate then expansion is ethically precise; if afterward that action is taken it is ethically not right. Mean while separation is complicated and an illegal growth deontologist will toughen by having a virtually alike report for everyone to use any device, material, association or application with no difficulties from providers of internet. By captivating after incontestably the purpose, deontologist will tolerate an moral accountability concerning grip after providing the purpose of support (Neta, 2015). The Contract theory and Justice is just only the feeling that can really put on without a very important level making it. For such situation, the ISPs have all the assets of achieving the control point. To better understanding of the theory, the users as well as application contractors have sufficient compliance to pay their distinguishing ISPs a precise responsibility for Internet connection (Hylton, 2016). The opposing ISPs also have bonds within themselves on the way workable peering can be probable. In case ISPs cannot provide the trade limit of data they supposed to, then is becomes a problem of settlement for them. Companies as well as people should not promise anything that they cannot provide. Now we are going to discuss about the virtue theory. The honesty helps in bracing the moral of ace link as well as controls them by executing any kind of work which is dishonest. According to oral knowledge over the Framework of Nonpartisanship, we are having suppliers of internet who works for Internet Company. Some of those expanding internet service providers are accepting the charge of change in Internet, for the achievement of the matter provider lives in the fair structure way, and there are likely instinctive costs of free talk violation finishes nonpartisanship (Shin, 2016). In contrast, it has altered into an appealing and is utilized as a basic specific device by the society people. They will probably concur that open Internet is an esteemed outcome for society as well as they knows procedure to improve it. The resolution for ethical difficulty alters and is liable for a very small privileged in a situation. The reason for supporting the theory of Deontologist is worthiness prior getting in connection at a decision that it considers the skilful reliability of track. Irrespective, outrageously many systems get to providers requires abandoning specific control by having a particular focus to meet their pay. In such situation, deontologist will practice conservative sense studying an commanding focus for settling a moral decision, which is "not to isolate". From the point of view of a deontologist, it gives having a shrewd and more helpful method for managing a situation is the best slant to accomplish making an morally right, and true decision. I am always in the support of unhindered web as it is a concern that shapes the probable purpose of the web. Reference List Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). Why Confronting the Internets Dark Side?.Philosophia, 1-11. Dom?a?, J., Wjcik, R., Jajszczyk, A. (2015). Flow-Aware Networking for Net Neutrality. InGuide to Flow-Aware Networking(pp. 83-99). Springer International Publishing. Hylton, K. N. (2016). Business Law, social welfare, and net neutrality.Review of Industrial Organization, 1-13. Krmer, J., Wiewiorra, L., Weinhardt, C. (2013). Net neutrality: A progress report.Telecommunications Policy,37(9), 794-813. Maill, P., Simon, G., Tuffin, B. (2016). Toward a net neutrality debate that conforms to the 2010s.IEEE Communications Magazine,54(3), 94-99. Miano Rubio, R., Fernndez Aller, M. C., Anguera de Sojo Hernndez, A. M., Portillo Aldana, E. (2015). Introducing ethical, social and environmental issues in ICT engineering degrees.Journal of Technology and Science Education (JOTSE),5(4), 272-285. Neta, R. (2015). Coherence and Deontology.Philosophical Perspectives,29(1), 284-304. Pivato, M. (2014). Formal utilitarianism and range voting.Mathematical Social Sciences,67, 50-56. Shin, D. H. (2016). Application of actor-network theory to network neutrality in Korea: Socio-ecological understanding of network dynamics.Telematics and Informatics,33(2), 436-451. Valletti, S. G. M. P. T., Peitz, M., Greenstein, S. (2016). Net Neutrality: A Fast Lane to Understanding the Trade-offs.
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